Jackson ~pov~

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Seeing Kyle come in, I felt my day at school get a bit better. My eyes subtly watch as he sits in his usual seat in front of me and rest his head on the desk. Wondering what's got him down, I struggle with myself about checking on him. I can't though, I mean what would the guys think?

He is just another pitiful boy to them. I watch him a bit longer before forcing myself to tear my eyes from him and bring them to my phone, flipping through some messages from the group chat I opened between me and my friends. I had to distract myself, I have a image, a reputation to keep.

I can't risk it over some stupid, false, teenage feelings for the boy sitting in front of me.I spot in the chat about pranking Kyle and making him pay for something he never did afterwards. Sighing, I lock my phone and lifted my eyes, trying to figure out why class was taking so long to start and where everyone else is.

Sighing softly, I give a brief look around, thinking of asking him about this odd situation. When I open my mouth to speak, the bell rings, startling us both. No-one comes in. He looks at me, glaring at me like this is my fault. I return a look, except it reads what-did-I-do?.

"What, Kyle?" My tone was harsh as per usual. Swinging his head, he turns to face the front. I mental facepalm myself, thinking that I should have asked if he had any idea as to why we were the only ones here. Thinking of a better idea, I shoot a message into the group chat.

"Yo, no1 in S.C, what's going on? Oh, and I'm stuck with emo boy"

It didn't take long before I receive a message from my so-called girlfriend, which I dreaded talking to.

Ignoring her text, I read over the messages. Most the same except for one. It catches my eye.

"Take his sketchbook, he never lets that thing go anywhere, but his bag,"

Grinning, I lean forward a bit, I chest to see if his bag is open.Luckily it was. Checking to see if his head was still down, I was in luck. Reaching into the open bag, I quickly retrieve the sketchbook. I shoot a small victory message to the group before opening the sketchbook. Grinning, I sate my curiosity when it comes to wondering what he draws.The first sketch I see is amazing. Continuing to look, I lose myself looking through it. Once I reach the last page, its snatched out of my hands. My attention is drawn to a very pissed off Kyle. "What the fuck, Jackson?!"

Mmm, yep, now he is pissed. "Yeah, that's my name, don't wear it out, Emo Freak," I grin, my tone holds a bit of a teasing notion.

He glares at me a moment longer before shoving his sketchbook back in his bag. Looking around, he notices there is no-one in the room with 30 minutes of class to go. "Why...are we the only ones in here?" He spoke harshly. Leaning back in my chair, I start texting the guys about Kyle waking and snatching the book back. Shrugging, I keep my eyes glued to my phone as I speak.

"Like know or care?"I continue to look through the messages, most of them asking what was in it. I told them some of it. Hearing the classroom door slam shut, I smile, internally screaming at myself for making himself upset. My mind wanders to what might have been on the last page. It looked like the sketch of a person. Was it someone he liked? Was it-? No, no, I can't do this! I've got a girlfriend and he is just a stupid crush boy. I get up to follow him. A little beating won't hurt him, right?. Knowing him, he'd either be in the bathroom or locker room. Nodding to myself, I decide to try the bathroom first, my lips curling into a smile.

I enter the closest men's bathroom to the classroom. Seeing one of the stalls closed, I chuckle softly. Walking up to the door, I bang on it.

"Ooh, Kyle~, Time for some fun~," My tone was teasing and fully of cruelty. I half expected to hear him whimper.When the stall door opened, I immediately turned and retreated out of the bathroom cause it wasn't him. I quickly make my way to the locker room. It was empty except for his....sobs? Why in the world is he crying? Sighing, I stalk my way over to where I hear him.When I get close enough to see him, he was yelling at someone on the other end of his phone.

"Leave me the fuck alone, we were never together in the first place!" He practically roared into the phone. Did he have a girlfriend or something? I go to move closer, but gracefully ended up bumping into a locker, making noise. Said noise drew his attention to me.

"What?! Come to make my life even MORE Hell, Jackson? Huh?! If so, go right the fuck ahead!" He screams. Shaking my head, I sigh.

"Nah....," He gives me a confused look. "Just wanted to check up on you, say sorry for taking your sketch book, I was just wondering what type of art you make in it," As I spoke, I rub the back of my neck, making a note that it would be best not to exactly fuck with him today. He had enough on his plate right now.Standing, he comes over to me, meeting my gaze with his own. I offer a smile which just makes him shake his head and turn his back to me. "Liar," He whispers, almost too low for me to hear him.

"Huh?" I tilt my head, a bit confused.

I wasn't lying.

Grabbing his hand, I turn him back to face me and pull him into a hug. "I'm not lying.... Look, I have a place I go to relax, why don't you wait for me after school and I'll take you," He started trying to push me away as I finished speaking.

"Let me go!" His voice shook.Shaking my head, I whisper softly in his ear.

"Not until I get an answer, Kyle," I could swear I felt him shiver. I smile, my mind flooding with thoughts of all the dirty things I could do to him, with him. Feeling myself blush slightly, I mentally shake myself, thinking about the fact that I have a girlfriend.Lost in thought, I loosen my grip just enough that he can push himself out of my reach. Snatching his bag up, he retreats toward the exit.

Running my fingers through my hair, I try to shake it even more. I'm taken, I just can't be having these thoughts. Sighing, I go after him, catching him by the door, pulling him back to me. Grabbing his shoulders, I put him against the wall.

"I. Am. Not. Lying. Can you get that through your head?" He stares at me, both confused and furious. "Meet me after school, let me take you to my relaxing spot," I let him go and step back. "Don't make me come find you," He looks me over a second as if expecting me to punch him before leaving the locker room. I huff and lean back against the other wall. Work with me brain! Stop doing this, I have a girlfriend, ya jerk. Perfectly on time, the bell rings. I make my way to my hall locker, getting my stuff for next class.

Before I could close my locker however, I feel someone jump on my back. Looking to see who it is, I find it to be my girlfriend, Ashley. Smiling, I grip her thighs to hold her up. Kicking my locker shut, I turn to spot my guys. Nodding to them, I chuckle. "Sup, guys," I look back over my shoulder at Ashley. "Hello Beautiful," She giggles and kisses my cheek.

One of my guys take my bag while I carry Ashley on my back. I tell them that I was going to beat Kyle up after school rather than let them know we were going to hangout. It was safer

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