[C H A L L E N G E B E G I N !]

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Tommy, for the past few months had been hearing the common name both whispered and loudly waved around amongst people of all jobs and genders alike. Whether in something of fear, curiosity, wonder, and rarely admiration. Did Tommy care? Yes, he very much did because instead of this so-called "best trainer in the world" they're currently talking about everyone should be buzzing about Tommy and how amazing he is. But they aren't. He doesn't care that he's "unbeatable" or "10 stories tall", all he cares about is gaining his fame again and oh boy he knows this will either be very easy or very difficult. Not because of the beating him in a battle part, nope, it's because of the tracking him down part of this

They say he suddenly appears out of nowhere when going to challenge someone and after the battle disappears like he was never there in the first place. It's starting to piss him off. Not only has he managed to become famous so quickly, but he's beaten some of the people even Tommy himself hasn't even been able to beat. Okay, so maybe this will be harder than he originally thought. He will admit. But it'll be fine! He's TommyInnit after all, and in the end he practically invented god. This is fine. With his very awesome And poggers pokemon at his side nothing can possibly go wrong, all he has to do is follow the really loud noises of distress whenever someone is beat. Easy. "Tommy!" That was Tubbo, his friend who was Poggers but not so much as him

Turning, the blonde was quick to smile and greet him loudly calling the brunette's name in turn with enthusiasm, Clementine beside him also giving her greeting to Spinz who was flying next to his trainer. "I heard the news about DreamXD!" Tubbo paused, catching his breath before standing straight up quickly again to point in a direction of which Tommy peeked around his friend to see. It was relatively towards the mountains and recently he knew it was rather secluded and out there. Barely anyone went unless looking for something specific up there that he didn't care enough to hear about or for training against some of the pokemon even though they had training grounds and much harder routes filled with stronger pokemon

Stamina reasons maybe? "I heard he was last spotted up there since you're looking for him!" Tommy stood straight again, frowning a bit as he narrowed his blue eyes. "Why would he be there?" The blonde quipped, thoughts swirling in his mind whether it was a rumor to throw people off or Dream XD went there for a reason as to challenge whoever the fuck lived up there. Perhaps, even, it was so he could spend some time alone. Tubbo shrugged, pocketing his hands in his jeans. "Dunno, heard some rumors he beat up some rich guy who lived up there though with a ridiculously long name." That's all Tommy needed, looking at Clementine he was quick to take off without even a second glance shouting his goodbyes to his friend who yelled after him about something now thrown to the wind as the blonde couldn't hear over the rushing gusts as he made his way closer and closer to the mountains

Dream XD would fall to the one and only TommyInnit only

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