Challenger DreamXD

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The entity watched from where they floated, stars and faraway planets dancing around them and lighting up the once void sky desolate from any kind of brightness. The entity, clad inside of black, green, and white, face covered securely by a quartz-made mask and two rings of pure gold circling around their orb-like head randomly made a small humming sound, curious perhaps or maybe even judging. They had no arms nor any legs to stand upon, and yet unlike the multiple asteroids floating inside of the endless space stayed perfectly in place with their cloak's tail flowing behind them like waves taken upon the sea of deep royal.  This earth… this universe… the entity started, voice echoing around them, reverberating despite lack of any walls or surfaces to bounce back upon to them. It's course may be near end… and yet… the entity was bored in short. Of everything. Of the living beings situated upon every planet that has thus far been able to sustain themselves, to live, to flourish. 

Yet still, they had one place yet to descend upon. The entity, the god, turned their supposed face towards the blue planet circling within endless void with white circling in place of rings and patches of green patterning it's ocean deep color. It was bored, so terribly bored, and knew scrapping this entire universe would only take a fraction of a second and another to make another from scratch and yet something in the back of its mind stopped them. An encounter, however brief 20 years back with a mortal upon the universe Earth with ambitions as hungry as his own. A mortal he became intrigued with even, one that caught his interest above all others, above countless planets he had visited. That's how he got this form, similar to the individual's own and how the individual in turn had gotten their name after his own. Dream, he had called the individual. The god had left earth shortly after for the sole reason of uninterest within the planet once Dreams goals had changed. Became soft just because of a few individual's clad in white, black, brown, green, and blue. 

The god though, didn't hold much of a grudge against them. Interests changed eventually, no matter what happened or how much time it took. Chances were, chances that the entity was very well aware of, Dreams goals would change sooner or later. Still, it was a shame at the waste of such potential. So much the god was tempted to reset the world and meet them sooner, but alas held back not wanting the hassle. They did appreciate, however, the experience gained from meeting them. Dream had taught him many things, their language, culture, food, daily tasks they did such as archery or fishing, but most of all Pokemon battles. Creatures inhabiting air, earth, and even sea inhabited their world alongside them called Pokemon. Strange, if you asked them but intriguing nonetheless, enough so the god got his own team before leaving back to space to explore other planets to quench his boredom. Now here he was once again, pondering as he overlooked the world once more. It had been 20 years, many could change in that time despite it being barely even a fraction of his own total lifetime. 

Perhaps entertainment could come from them, something new, something… challenging. DreamXD smiled, however small, before drifting downwards closer and closer to the round planet spinning forever encased inside of the black void. Worst case scenario from this, he could just scratch the whole universe and start again, perhaps even explore different multiverses. Afterall, the paths were endless. Yes, he told himself. Scratching the world costs me nothing, and doing so forever leaves me able to explore so many others...

Let's hope Earth is ready for something so much more than anything they've faced.

I'm coming for you Dream

- :)


And so it begins! At the end of each chapter I'll type out the team of Pokemon revealed this far for that person but other than that these end bits do nothing else, so of you take no interest in that then it's okay to skip! However if you see bold text that's says R E A D, then trust it's important. If you still wish to not read that, then that's fine! It'll most likely be something to keep in mind for future chapters, and anything really dire will be posted at the top

Anyways, questions I will gladly answer, and don't be a dick

Kings Challenge [MCYT x Pokemon] Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ