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So uH- I haven't updated this in forever and I never even got very far with anything actually. In short, I don't think I have enough inspiration to write the chapters. It gets kind of repetitive, and honestly I think interest could drop fast for both you and me. So uh, here's the plan

I am going to completely change the plot. The characters will still be within the DSMP and TOTSMP with some other random characters added in. But other than that, yeah. It will still be pokemon, character roles within this AU will not change (who's the champion, elite 4, the trainers, etc), and I hope I can stay motivated enough to actually finish this

The plans are that existing chapters will stay up until the first 3 of the revamp are ready and I'm estimating about like- 2-3k words, possibly more, every chapter. Updates will still be random, though I'm willing to try and commit to this so at least a new chapter like- every month or so. The first 3 of the revamp will be posted the same day as each other

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2022 ⏰

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