Criteria for the second round

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Hello everyone, with the posting of this chapter, the second round has officially begun! We are so sorry for taking so long. It was a bit chaotic to take care of the awards and our regular lives at once so it took a while to get through all of the reviews and make a proper summary of them (all of the authors will be getting one, so if you haven't gotten one yet, it will be on its way soon).

We would like to say congratulations to everyone who has made it this far and a big thanks to the judges as well. Judges, please remember to read through the criteria thoroughly as if you are a writer, it could be a good idea to glance though the criteria as well so you get get an idea on what you are being judged on this round.

Firstly, everyone will read the same books they had before, or at least the ones that made it into the second round. Pretty much everyone has had a number of the books they judged in the last round not make it to this round. That is for the better though, but we will elaborate further with the other points.

Secondly, this round will be one month to a month and a half months long, but we will give an extra two weeks to anyone who needs it, though you need to contact us first. We are hoping to finish the awards by the end of the year. PLEASE make sure to contact us for anything that you need, including withdrawing. If you don't tell us anything how can we find out? It is especially annoying to find out someone withdrew after being contacted that no one can find the book, thus us searching to find the book and its author. Please be straight forward with us on such things. This also goes for the previous point, asking for extra time. Don't submit a review a couple weeks late without asking first, because we will think 1. You have just decided to not judge the books and might not want to be in the awards and/ or 2. You have magically disappeared/ you no longer have access to internet for whatever reason. If you ask, you shall receive.

Thirdly, in this round, judges are required to read more than three chapters. We want everyone to you try and completely read each book you are assigned. If you are limited on time due to your personal life (things like a job, education, social life, family, etc.), it is understandable if you read a bit less (for example, not being able to get passed chapter 21 in a book since you are busy).

But even then try to read about five chapters in the beginning, middle, and end.

For this round the number of judges are slightly less than the last round. The judges are:











The criteria:

1. Plot, structure (25 points)
2. Punctuation, spelling, grammar, and vocabulary (25 points)
3. Characters (25 points)
4. Emotions/storytelling (25 points)
Total: 100 points

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