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Later, Pterano showed up.

" Uncle Pterano?" Petrie the Pteranodon asked.

" What the heck are you doing here scolder?" Oracle the Pteranodon asked.

" You sold us out back then!" Hannah the Parasaurolophus said. " We nearly get eaten by those fast biters."

" What was came to your mind by leading us into wrong way?" Sparky the Styracosaurus said.

" I apologized."  Pterano the Pteranodon said. " Because I thought I could find a shortcut to the paradise, to the land which has no sharpteeth and full of green foods."

" Really? Are you seriously thinking finding a paradise in the Mysterious Beyond?" Lumber the Lambeosaurus said.

" To be honest with you. We are in dusky canyon back then." Clubber the Ankylosaurus said.

" If it wasn't for Oracle and his genius tree sweet as a weapon against sharpteeth, the herd got scattered and died in the hands of the sharpteeth." Nate the Pachycephalosaurus said.

" This time I'm going to make things right." Pterano the Pteranodon said.

" What about your assistant flyers?" Cera the Triceratops said.

" Those Rinkus and Sierra. They're no longer traveling with me. They already live in a small island as part of their exile."  Pterano the Pteranodon said.

Butter, Nate and Dome were talking about Pterano.

" Who is the real councilor in charge of our herd?" Butter the Pachycephalosaurus asked.

" It's Oracle." Dome the Pachycephalosaurus said. " Petrie's proud papa."

" You know what I'm still puzzled about Pterano's explanation." Dome the Pachycephalosaurus said.

" It would be better if we live in Great Valley rather than the Land of Despair." Nate the Pachycephalosaurus said.

" Why is this place called Land of Despair?" Chomper the Tyrannosaurus asked.

" The Land of Despair was once a beautiful valley however rains occured during afternoon and evening. Even thunderstorms would bring heavy rains which turned this land into marsh in which lead to the appearance of dangerous creatures." Nate the Pachycephalosaurus said.

" Like the Belly Draggers." Ruby the Oviraptor said.

" Belly Draggers are four-legged sharptooth became problematic. " Butter the Pachycephalosaurus said. " They might even possible appeared here but only in the river."

Land Before Time: The Land of DespairWhere stories live. Discover now