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What do two people do when their universes collide by chance? Is the impact so severe someone ends up hurt, or maybe there's a possibility they created a realm more beautiful than the one they existed in for so long.

*Kaycee's P.O.V*

"mom, please wake up" I begged on the side of her bed. I knew she was still drunk from last night, and probably wouldn't wake up until I got back from school but I still tried. After three more minutes of begging her to get out of bed I concluded I'd just walk to school. She was in no shape to drive me so I was going to have to regardless. 

I've had so many people say "I wish I had your mom" yeah alright. Just because I'm free to decide what I want to do doesn't mean I have a great mother. I don't have a mother, I am the mother. I don't pity my mother because I know she got like this once my dad and sister died, and I won't blame them either. It kinda sucks, you know. The greatest years of my life going to waste because I have to make sure my mom doesn't get too incapacitated. I looked down at my vans and tears began welling in my eyes. They say they want my mother, but they don't know how much it hurts to see your mom barely be able to get out of bed, how much it hurts for your mom to never be able to attend events, how much it hurts to be a mom to your  mom. That's what they don't understand.

~10 Minutes Later~

"Why thank you for joining us Kaycee" Mr. Henderson, my algebra teacher said sarcastically "We were just in the middle of the lesson, did you check into homeroom for attendance?"

"Yes, and I apologize for being late. My mom was having car problems, and by the time realized I had to walk I knew I'd be late" He nodded and I walked towards my seat

Yes I lie about my mom. I don't want the sympathy. I don't want to hear "oh her mom's a drunk, and has clinical depression". The staff talks about me enough as is, not every student gets a job to take care of the bills because their mother can't, but that they don't know. No one is sure why I got the job. I lied and said it was for books. My academic levels are good and I'm good with my grades so that's why they aren't too bothered with my attendance. Spending most of my time at home has given me time to study a lot so I'm pretty ahead of all my classes. 

"Excuse me! Class is dismissed, have a great day everyone. Can you please stay after Kaycee" I nodded and sat back down waiting for the rest of the class to file out one behind the other.

"Hey Mr. Henderson! How are you" I gave him a cheeky smile

"Hey, I just have a question. I won't take up too much of your time." I stood in front his desk in the corner of the class "I don't want to meddle into your life at all, and I want to respect your privacy but I just wanted to know. I know you and your mother have been having car troubles a lot lately, and I wanted to know would you like a bus pass?" 

I thought for a few seconds. I hate taking things from people cause I didn't want to feel like I was in some type of debt. "I think I'll take the bus pass" I nodded "Thank you so much, it means a lot to me" he handed me the bus pass 

"It should last you until the end of the year. I'll see you tomorrow!" I waved goodbye as I began walking to my second period class, and then third, fourth, and so on until it was time to go home. School was pretty uninteresting, and I didn't really have friends. I never tried talking to anyone but people always approached me to say things like "you're so pretty", "do you have a boyfriend", or I'd get random hey's from people who supposedly knew me since 6th grade. I began walking home in hopes my mother was awake and okay.

*Author's Note*

Hiii!! I'm sorry this is such a boring first chapter, but my intention was to introduce you guys to the main character and what her life is like. Well a glimpse there's so much more than just what you read about. I will try to keep a schedule with updates if i see that people actually enjoy what I'm writing. Thank you for reading! Don't forget to comment and vote! <3 

-Kay Kay

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