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~2 Weeks Later~

*Kaycee's P.O.V*

I paced back and forth in emergency waiting room area. After I got a call from the hospital I left out of school so fast. I told the office it was a family emergency so they let me go. What happened, what is it this time I thought to myself as played with my hands nervously.

"Family of Maya Bishop" a woman said loudly

"Yes, yes that's me. I'm her daughter" I said as I approached her

"Hi honey, are you alright? Are you the only person here?" her facial expression very concerning

"Yes. It's just me and my mother. My father passed some years back" I looked down

"Ahh I see. Well your mother is in a coma due to the amount of alcohol she drank, and unfortunately we cannot predict when she'll wake up" I sighed, before I could speak again she began explaining more. "I also want to tell you that it seems she was beaten really badly, and it also looks like she was raped" I held the tears back knowing who probably did it to her.

"Thank you for taking care of her, and saving her life. It means a lot to me. I think I'm going to come back tomorrow to visit. I'm not ready to see her yet" I forced a smile to the nurse

"That's fine honey. Do you mind me asking your age, I can't send underage children to fend for themselves" I nodded "I'm 16, and of age to take care of myself until my mother returns. Thank you though" I said and began walking away. There's nothing more that I want just to get out of here. I didn't feel like going home so I knew there would only be one other place for me to have someone. The cemetery.

~15 Minutes Later~

I sat on the ground between the two graves "Hey guys" I said with a breath

I ran my fingers along the engraved words on each headstone "Loving father and husband" & "Beautiful daughter and sister"

"I know you guys are here. That's why I'm here. "Mom's in the hospital due to a coma. I try so hard, but it's like I don't know what do anymore. It was so much better when you guys were here. I miss you guys so much, I miss your smile, your laughs, your voices. If you guys were here I'd never get tired of them" I wiped my tears with my sleeve and smiled as I seen a butterfly land on my father's headstone.

This is the reason I can't be mad at my mother. No one ever expects to lose their daughter and husband in the same day. It was the summer after I graduated 8th grade, and I remember it like it was yesterday.

{ "Kayceeeeee" I heard my father call me from the living room

"Yes daddddd" I laughed because I was literally in the next room over

"Come here my little graduate" I could tell he was smiling. One thing I loved about my father is you could hear the smile in his voice. I don't know how to put it.

"Okay, I'm coming" I said as I got up from the counter "Dad I graduated a week ago. I think we can move on now" I laughed

"Not when you were valedictorian, oh no we'll never move on from that" He smiled at me "I'm just proud of you baby, that's all. I'm a proud father of two beautiful, intelligent, sweet young woman." he said making me blush

"Why thank you sir" I used some dumb accent voice I picked up in the 5th grade "what's happening?" I asked curious as to why he called me into the living room

"Ohhh yeah, me and Kaylee are going to the grocery store and I wanted to know if you'd like to join us on our grand adventure" He said dramatically

"I wish I could, but I'm waiting for mom to get home so we can go to the mall. It's Leilani's birthday on Tuesday, and mom told me she'd take me to get a gift. She's on her way so I'm just going to stay. Thank you for the offer though." I said with a cheesy smile

"Okay, well me and her should get going before we starve to death due to shortage of food." I nodded and gave him a kiss "KAYLEEE LET'S GET GOING" He started walking towards the door "I love you honey" He blew me another kiss before closing the door behind him

"Where's dad" Kaylee asked as she reached the bottom of the stairs

"Oh he just walked out the door, probably getting into the car waiting for you" I smiled at my sister. I loved my sister so much. Not many people have a great relationship with their sisters, but mine was like a bestfriend. I couldn't even explain in words how much I loved that girl. "I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuu ugly" I said as she walked to the door and I gave her a hug

"I love you too uglier" she said as I let go of her "the only reason I'm going is to make sure dad doesn't forget the snacks this time, and ends up replacing them with healthy food" we laughed }

*End Of Flashback*

I smiled at thought of our last words to one another. I will forever keep that memory because at least I didn't let them go on bad terms. It's a sad memory, but such a happy one. Sometime to do this day I wish I would've went to the store with them, but then who'd be there for mom. I do my best but all I hope for now is her to get out of this coma. I would go to the police because I know who beat and sexually assaulted her, but that is something I don't want to put my life on the line for. He'd kill us both if I ever thought to open my mouth about what he does to her. So shut up because if she wanted out she'd let me know, but that's her life now...drugs and alcohol because she wants to numb herself from the pain my sister and father left. While I cannot say I don't want to just breakdown and yell at her I keep my composure because I know she's hurt. I disregard my pain because she has no one. This right here was the last straw, I cannot keep being a mother to a 42 year old woman who birthed me. I never thought my mom would choose alcohol though especially since a drunk driver was the cause of their death, but some people's coping mechanisms are different than others. I believe the man got arrested, but it wasn't that big of an offense so he'll be out before I graduate high school.

I'm sorry mom, but I'm not sure if I can continue revolving my life around you. I thought to myself as I walked away from the cemetery towards my house.

*Author's Note*

I hope the ending I wrote makes sense for this chapter. I was looking over it and realized I didn't mention the way they died so I just plugged it into the end. I hope the story is coming together for the most part. Originally when I started writing this I was going to kill her mother off, but I was like ITS THE SECOND CHAPTER AND THATS SAD. So why not just pull her out of the story for a while until I figure out what I'm gonna do with her character. Once again, thank you for reading. Don't forget to like & comment!!!

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