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Loneliness isn't a problem when you're used to it, and love isn't recognized when you haven't received it in so long.

*Kaycee's P.O.V*

I decided I wasn't going to school today, and I'd rather just spend my time at the hospital with my mom. I'd have to work later today but that wasn't until about 5. I needed to talk to the financial department at the hospital, I know our medical insurance wouldn't cover everything so I'd have to pay it back out of my pocket. What a great mother I had  I thought to myself as I packed some things to keep me occupied at the hospital. I grabbed my laptop, the charger, and a few notebooks to do homework in and walked out of the house. I didn't want to continually use my bus pass because I'd feel guilty, I know it's for school so I opted to walk to the hospital.


"Hello" a nurse at the reception desk welcomed me

"Hi, room of Maya Bishop" I asked with a forced smile. I wasn't happy, but I'm also not rude.

"Room 326" she nodded towards the elevator "I'm not 100 percent sure if they're allowing visitors for her yet due to the state she's in, but you can head up and ask the nurses at the desk on the third floor" I nodded and walked away

The elevator door was about to close until some dude decided he'd like to join me. I don't mind it but I'm claustrophobic, and elevators are way too tight. I took a deep breath you're not going to run out of oxygen in here, you will not die this way  I thought to myself as I inhaled and exhaled, or maybe I just hated being too close to people.

"Uh what floor?" I managed to ask  because he was about to reach over me

"thirteenth" he mumbled

"okay" I pushed the number 13 and we arrived at the third floor so I hopped off the elevator.

I began walking to the reception desk "um excuse me ma'am is Maya Bishop allowed to have visitors" the nurse began typing

"Are you her daughter?" I nodded "Then you can go ahead, the room is just down the hall" 

"Thank you" I said with a smile beginning to walk away. I wasn't too far down the hall when I noticed the number 326 right in front of me. Whatever happened to my mother this time I had to see sooner or later so I decided to go in. The room was cold and dimly lit I was able to find a light switch along the wall, and I flicked it on. I always hated hospital rooms, they never changed. Every hospital room I've ever been in and walked out of looked exactly similar, the only difference was the person in the hospital bed, and whether or not they made it out alive. I pulled back the curtain to see my mother lying there unconscious with bruises all over any skin that wasn't covered by the thin blanket they put on top of her. It hurt to see her so helpless, so broken, just here.

"Ma" my voice quivered as I grabbed her hand "Ma please" I began to cry "Why did he go this far? What happened?" I constantly questioned her, but I knew I wasn't going to get an answer. "I miss you mom, I miss the mom who'd be there, I miss the mom who was happy, if I can be strong why couldn't you? Why did you do this to yourself? Why'd you take this route?" I was beginning to raise my voice. I was angry. "You're so selfish. I've done nothing for the past two years but take care of you. The least you could do is think about how I'd feel before you'd go get your next bottle of liquor or hit of drugs. You don't care about and I'm still here. I'M THE ONLY ONE STILL HERE" I wiped the tears off of my face, and began to calm myself down. Yelling at her wasn't going to change anything. I sat down and grabbed my laptop and emailed the front office at my school.

~5 Minutes Later~

Just as I pushed send excusing myself from school for today a nurse walked in. 

"Just here to check vitals" She forced a comforting smile

"Excuse me, where can I talk to the financial department" I asked

"Just follow me to the reception desk and I'll help you out" I nodded and waited for her to start walking out of the room

"Okay, I'm Melissa and I'm your mothers nurse for the rest of my shift. I can tell you some of the costs right now if you'd like, but you won't get the full pricing until she is discharged" She said as she typed

"I would like to know some of the costs right now please" I was hesitant but I was going to eventually get the bill

"So as of right now it's costing about $2,379. It's about $500 for each day she stays, and nearly $700 for oxygen for the week. The other costs is because of the ambulance, and other medical expenses. Your insurance has not yet registered the prices so they have not paid for you yet, but they might cut your ending balance in half. We have payment plans if you'd like look into those?" I nodded and she handed me a pamphlet "These are they payment plans, look into each and we can talk about it another day. You can also talk to whoever your mothers nurse is." 

"Thank you" I went back to my mom's room and started my homework my teachers emailed me.

~3 Hours Later~

My homework usually doesn't take that long, but I kept worrying about my mom. I've been in this hospital so many times I know everything about it so I decided to head up to the roof to get some air. The sun was starting to set so I know I'd have a good view. It's pretty cliche but I'm head over heels in love with the aesthetic of the sky. From sunrises, sunsets, clouds, and stars they were just beautiful to me. They're my favorite things. I find it crazy how such a fucked up world could still exhibit something so beautiful, and no one cherishes it so I do. The elevator finally stopped at the last floor, I'd have to take the stairs the rest of the way. YAY EXERCISE IM SO EXCITED! I thought to myself as I began climbing the staircase "kill me please"  I said out loud and laughed

UGH FINALLYYYY  I had just go to the roof when i saw him. The guy from the elevator I hope he's not trying to jump that's kind of weird and I won't know what to do  I thought to myself as I approached him. He was sitting on the ledge with his head down.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked hesitantly because what if he wanted to be alone

"Yea" he said still looking down

"Are you sure?" I asked once again

"I said I'm fucking okay" He said angrily and looked up at me and that's when I saw the most beautiful thing ever. I stared in awe. I've never seen grey eyes. I've never seen eyes that physically sparkled. He never looked at me in the elevator so this was my first time seeing his face. I was in awe. His eyes reminded me of the sky during a thunderstorm, and they were so beautiful. He looked away from me, and i snapped out of my trance.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. I'll let you be alone" I said and started walking away

I got back to the hospital room and packed my stuff so I could go home and get ready for work. I tried to distract myself from my thoughts about the grey-eyed boy but I couldn't. I gave him a name hoping maybe on day I'd see him again. I call him storm.

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