Fights leave scars inside and out

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🖕i feel angry about everything now🤣🖕 god damn i hate periods 🌋

Fighting, blood, language, also Y/n is boy here your the brother of Jim. (hehe sorry girls)

No one's pov (in school with the lockers)

"I hate you!!! You mother fucker!!" You yelled as you punched steve over and over again. Blood trickled down your nose and all the scratches you had where dripping with blood and dirt. Steve was lying on the floor, you on top of him. "You don't know how i feel you asshole!!!!!" You then stood up, taking steve and pushing against the wall. "How would you feel if you felt my pain!" You punched steve again. "Y/n stop!" Jim yelled. He tackled you. "Let go Jim!!" He tried to push Jim off but couldn't. "stop, beating someone won't help!" Jim placed his arm on your chest, and held your arm away from you. "I DON'T CARE!" You pushed Jim off then tackled him. You pushed him against the lockers and threw him to the floor. The students then cheered on "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!" Claire and Toby ran over to you but you pushed Claire and Toby into the bathroom. You locked the door then picked up steve. You were about to punch him before he kicks you, making you fall back. He then tackles you and picks you up a bit, you still laying on the floor though. He then slams you against the floor. He does it over and over again till he punches you. Jim gets up and tackles steve. He punches steve over and over then slams him against the floor like steve did to you. Steves 'friends' came over and grabbed Jim. "Let him go!" You kicked one guys into the other. "Hey!" A teacher yelled, well if that's you call a changeling/principle/history teacher. you quickly grabbed jim and left.

On the bridge (its raining)

Dark big clouds soon covered all of Arcadia as rain came down a bit hard. All your blood, all of Jim's blood washed away a bit. No cars no trucks and no people or animals where on the road or even in stores. It was just an emty  town  "Y/n stop!" Jim yelled, yanking his hand away from you. "What the hell was that?!?!" He yelled. You turned to him then grabbed his hand again, dragging him with you. "Stop! Y/n! Im serious stop! This isn't cool!!" He yanked your hand and made you stop. "What isn't cool? The fact they he made fun of my-our dad?!" You yelled. Jim clenched his fist. "No, ya wana know why! Cause when 'dad' left he never came back! I don't care for 'dad'!i don't care if he came back, i wouldn't care if he did stay an i wouldn't care if his lying ass died!!" Jim yelled. You froze, not in anger or sadness but in shock. When you were younger, James would always care for you, he always played with you or made you feel safe, even when you weren't. He was always number 1, but when he left it broke your heart, and ever since then you've always had a weak spot for that.

"So if he died or if he was the enemy you would kill him! If it was saving him or the amulet you would pick him?!?!" You yelled, taking the amulet oit of Jim jacket. "YES!" Jim yelled as ye took the amulet back. "I would even pick a rock over dad! I wouldn't care if he was the enemy!" Jim shoved the amulet in his pocket then walked away. "Why do you hate him..." You mumbled. You clenched your fist then ran over to Jim, you took the Amulet and held it infront of his face. "This is why you hate him! This is why you've changed from a good brother to a horrible one! Why! Why! Why! WHY!" You yelled at him. "Give it back!" He held put his hand out, anger plastered all over his face.

"No...maybe i didn't throw it far enough so you wouldn't find it!" You then threw it. It hits the water that was in the canal's jim ran over to the edge and looked at you. He held tight onto the railing of the bridge. You stood there a bit longer then sighed. "jim.." you said. Jim let go of the railing then pushed you on the floor. Your groaned a bit, feeling all your bruises and scars hit the ground as you did. "don't even, i don't need your pitty...and your right i changed, but i changed for the only changed for yourself...."

(Part 2? 🤔💭)

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