Dragon and a Knight

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(little thing i came up with cause why not?)

Jim's pov

I was sitting in bed after we all went trick-or-treating. Me and Claire dressed up and a knight and a dragon. She was the dragon and i was the knight. She wore a purple and black leather suit and had a tail. She more little horns and had fake vampire teeth added in her mouth. She looked so adorable!

"Woah...did you make that suit?" "Oh, he uh.. made it!" Toby and Darcy words rang in my head when we went to go visit her and Mary. I chuckled and looked at my amulet then felt Claire jump on me.

"Hello my little Knight" she said. I laughed and snuggled with her. "Hello dragon-excuse me?! I'm your dragon" she said with her arms crossed. I nodded and laughed. "Yes you are now... how bout some sleep" i teased. Claire shook her head. "Nuh, i must feed on my knight, num num num" Claire said as she pinned me to the bed and kissed my cheek and forehead. We both broke out in laughter on the bed then cuddled. "you full yet?" I asked. Claire giggled as she nodded. "good cause it 1:00 in the morning and i would like sleep!" I teased. Claire laughed and we both soon fell asleep.


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