Y/n at it again....

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You were sitting in class wondering something in that little crazy mind if yours. Jim noticed and looked at you, snapping his fingers in front of your eyes, trying to awake you from your imagination. Sadly he failed. "Alright class, settle down, settle down. Today you will- i will never understand why school has to start at 7:00 in the fucking morning..." You interrupted your Algebra teacher. "y/n langue and school needs to- what am i a rooster? Oh cock-a-doodle-doo...more like fuck you" you rolled your eyes. The while class chuckled or smiled wildly, knowing their usual 'funny yet weird questions of the day' were happening.

"Y/n enough, now as i was saying when your- and the teacher's wonder why were all down, saying, 'come on guys, what's going on? Oh i don't know BaRbARa maybe cause its 7:00 in the fuckin morning!" Right then the whole class erupted with laughter, the teachers blood starting to boil. "Mr/Ms. Y/n i suppose- like what the fuck are we doing solving triangles, bitch your built like a triangle" you pointed to the teacher. All the kids laughed hard, nearly falling on the floor or gasping for air.


As you walked down the hall, grabbing a soda from the vending machine, chugging it down. Suddenly you spit your drink out realizing the time. You threw away your drink and walked to your science class.

"Your late L/n..." The teacher called as you entered. "Detention..." They said as they looked at their computer. "What?! Just for being late!" The teacher looked at you. "Yes, you cant be late to class- like anyone's gonna notice, i mean where were you yesterday!?" Jim looked up at you and chuckled. Toby covered his mouth, trying not to laugh. "That's not important- its more important if a teacher is here than a student!" The teacher sighed. "Fine, just sit down..." You thanked the teacher and say next to Jim, Toby and Claire at the round table. "Okay, now were gonna go over your assignments/Homework you were given yesterday...Y/n i did not get yours, you can either do the assignment again or fail my class" the teacher got up and grabbed a hand fool of assignments. You stood up. "No,i left it on your dest- you did not or i would've got it" Jim sighed knowing your were gonna pull some shit or trick on the teacher. "You lost it." "What?" The teacher asked. "just admit it, you lost it" the teacher sighed. "I probably may have miss placed it, ill check for it again" "good asshole..." you mumbled them sat down. "Excuse me i don't like your attitude- well i don't like you" the bell then rung. Everyone got up but soon sat down. "No, no, no, no, no, the bell does not dismiss you i do" everyone sighed or moaned. You just grabbed Jim hands and left the room. "Well if the bell doesn't dismiss me then it doesn't tell me when i have to be here so suck my d*ck" You said, leaving the class.


"How is a giraffe real but a unicorn is fake, like what's more realistic?" Claire looked at you confused. Jim looked at you with his 'not this again' look. "A horse with a horn or a leopard moose camel!" Toby laughed. Jim shook his head and continued eating his burger. Claire rolled her eyes with a smile plastered on her face. "Y'all tripping, unicorns are real..." You mumbled as you slightly drank your smoothie.


(Hope ya enjoyed)

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