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Milla 🤶: guys I just found out something. It takes longer to say WWW then it does to say World Wide Web.
King Kylie 🤑: okay????
Milla 🤶: how did I never realise. I feel so betrayed. Was I the only one to realise this? Where's Justin he'll agree with me

Milla 🤶 added JuJu 🎶 to the chat
Milla 🤶 added hails 💍 to the chat

JuJu 🎶: oh my god.
How did I not know that
My mind is blown 🤯
Milla 🤶: did you also know the strongest muscle in the body is the tongue
Sel 💃: yet your tongue game was weak
Hails 💍: something I can agree on
JuJu 🎶: maybe if your pussy wasn't so wide you might have felt something also Hailey, you and I both know that's a lie. I have you shaking your knees
Ari ☕: nobody cares it's fucking two in the morning. Shut the fuck up
Milla 🤶: just turn off the notifications and stop being grumpy
Hazza bear 💅: why is everyone up right now?
Tay 🐾: so why are you up?
Hazza bear 💅: writing and all
Tay 🐾: who's actually online apart from me, Harry and Camilla
King Kylie 🤑: me
Sel 💃: me
JuJu 🎶: me and Hailey
King Kylie 🤑: so whose actually working and whose just staying up?
Tay 🐾: working
Hazza bear 💅: same
Tay 🐾: I've got to go. I'll talk later
Milla 🤶: bye Tay, don't forget my cookies when your coming later
King Kylie 🤑: right, stormi is finally asleep so I'm going to bed.
See you later hoes
Sel 💃: talk to you lot later
Milla 🤶: and now it's three
JuJu 🎶: do you have any more facts
Milla 🤶: The sentence, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter in the English language
JuJu 🎶: no way your so smart
Sel 💃: would you both go to sleep
And justin it's you're not your
JuJu 🎶: stop bullying me
Sel 💃: Hailey please take his phone off him

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