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Hails 💍: so whose the cute boy Selena?
Hazza bear 💅: what cute boy?
Ari ☕: that's what we're trying to figure out because on her show she had a call from a cute boy
Nialler ⛳: you have a show
Sel 💃: it's a cooking show
JuJu 🎶: wait you cook
Sel 💃: the point of it is to teach me how to cook
Ari ☕:

Kenny 🌻: you look so adorable
Ari ☕: so whose the cute boy
Sel 💃: it's nobody
Kenny 🌻: so who rang your phone?
JuJu 🎶: am I the only one stuck that Selena has a cooking show
Sel 💃: here's the trailer

Sel 💃: and there are more seasons to come
JuJu 🎶: where is it on?
Ari ☕: Hulu
Kenny 🌻: you should do an episode with a celebrity guest or something
Sel 💃: I did I had Taylor on a phone call

Tay 🐾: you still haven't sent me the recipe
Also why does it say amateur chef, I'm amazing thank you very much
Kenny 🌻: so who's the boy?
Sel 💃: nobody I'm telling you, if I get into a relationship, I'll tell you guys but only if it gets serious
Ari ☕: there's always a catch
Sel 💃: says you that got engaged, you barely told us about him
And I'm pretty sure that Kendall is dating someone
Kenny 🌻: so you are dating Jimmy because you wouldn't have known that
Sel 💃: am not but you've confirmed that your in a relationship
Kenny 🌻: fuck
Ari ☕: so what's his name
Kenny 🌻: Devin
Sel 💃: the basketball player
Hails 💍: definitely got a type
Kenny 🌻: that's not true, I don't only date basketball players I also date singers I dated Harry
Tay 🐾: which everyone thinks is a cover up for Louis and Harry relationship and that you were in a relationship with Cara
Sel 💃: I remember when there were rumours I was dating her
Kenny 🌻: I never understood why they happened, or why people think me and Bella got together
Ari ☕: you and Cara were basically joined together for a couple of years and now you're really close to Bella plus the positions you lot are in are comprising you can say
Kenny 🌻: sel, aren't you friends with both Cara and Ashley
Sel 💃: yep
Kenny 🌻: so they've broken up fully
Sel 💃: yeah, probably not gonna get back together, why?
Kenny 🌻: just wondering because me and Cara are not as close anymore
Sel 💃: just talk to her, you'll be fine
Kenny 🌻: Alright

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