Day six

13 2 1

I have been thinking today, what is my favourite book, or series of books? 

To be truthful, when I say Harry Potter, I'm lying.

Honestly, it's Hitchiker's guide to the galaxy.

All five books in the series.

When I said my favourite auther was Chris D'Lacey, I was lying.

Being truthful, he is Douglas Adams.

When I say I really like Mcfly, and they are my favourite.

It's a lie.

Even though I try, I am always lying.

To be honest, my favourite band is probably The Paper Kites.

When I say my favourite movie is Half-Blood Prince.

I lied.

My favourite movie is Perks <3

When I say my favourite telly programme is Doctor Who.

No matter how hard I try, I lie.

Truthfully it's Torchwood.

When I say I want to be in a band.

I don't mean a full blown girl band that play's their own instruments,

I don't mean a girl band that sing's and dances on stage.

I mean a few guys and me.

Only like 3-4 guys and me.

That's it.

Maybe instruments.

Maybe not.

But I want to do music video's that involve tain tracks, empty country roads, mountain views, myst.

When I say I want to play drums.

I lie.

I want to play Bass but I'm lazy.

When I say I want to be Dauntless.

I'm lying.

I want to be Amity.

You should here that.

This one too.

Try this one.

I found these song's help me feel better.

When I say I'm tired. I'm lying, truthfully I tired of being ignored, and un-noticed, and un-appreciated.

If I went away would anyone notice?

Would anyone care?

Or would they carry on with their lives like nothing was different.

If I became famous, I want to be famous for books. Or telly programmes, or screen plays. Or for music I enjoy.

Not being famous for doing a telly programme run by other people.

A reality show.

For marrying someone famous.

To be honest.

I miss going to Scouts.

But I find Cadets has so much more to offer.

This song is good for help.

We lost the war but won the battle.

I guess it goes out to those who self harm, and you can stop. 

I know someone who self hamred.

Hopefully they stopped.

But the person they liked liked someone else.

And they feel like shit.

This song if for them.

If you need someone to talk to, anyone at all, send me a message.

My internet is on.

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