Anyone want a drink? (fluff)

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Dream sat up in his and Ink's bed, he was on his phone texting swap!sans. He was trying to pass the time while he waited for his husband, ink, or as he calls him cookie, to get home from the super market. He sent him out to get some milk (don't make the joke please lmaO), pancake mix and other groceries that they had almost ran out of.

Once ink arrived home, he heard the door shut and he dashed up, out of the bed and down the stairs to greet ink. "Cookie, you're home!" Dream had exclaimed as he jumped over and hugged ink, ink just barely missing the teleportation of the groceries to the kitchen when he dropped them. He hugged Dream back and kissed him on the neck then on the cheek. "Hey, sunshine." Ink smiled as he pet his lover's head. Dream examined ink's facial expression and his excited, shiny smile, faded to a frown. "Ink, what's wrong? Why do you look so tired..?" Dream had asked ink with concern in his tone. "It's nothing, dreamy, i promise. i just haven't had a good amount of sleep lately, y'know?" he smiled at dream awkwardly. dream grabbed ink's arm and dragged him to their bedroom, not caring to unpack the groceries.

As dream and ink arrived to their room, dream threw ink on the bed and jumped on him. they got into a laying position as dream jumped on ink. "i don't think this is necessary, dreamy.." ink smiled and rubbed the back of his neck, but dream insisted and wouldn't move as he groaned. ink sighed and smiled again "alright, baby.." he reached around and pet the back of dream's skull as he kissed his forehead. dream closed his eye sockets while pinning ink to the bed so he wouldn't get up, basically forcing him to sleep. dream then cuddled into ink, snuggling the bridge of his nose into ink's collar bone. ink blushed a little since his collar bone was kind of sensitive but he smiled and relaxed his eye sockets, moving his hand down to dream's back and rubbing it soothingly and gently. he closed his eye sockets as the both of them fell into the dream realm.


A/N: hey guys! i know this is kind of short but it's a little idea i've had for awhile so uh, yeah-

-400 words-

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