There's no bruh without dude (crepic/brude fluff)

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Epic and Cross were friends, best friends even! They would spend day in day out together, practically never separating!

They hung out so much that Epic started to catch feelings for Cross, yet... he didn't want to come off as weird if he confessed. 

One day; Cross and Epic were hanging out at their usual hangout area. Epic was fidgeting with his fingers as he had his hood down over his face a little, he moved from playing with his hands to the zipper on his coat.

Cross paused at the sudden actions Epic was giving off. He looked at his best friend in the face and blushed ever so slightly. It gradually got heavier as he turned away and pulled his scarf over his face a little. He couldn't help but get a little flustered at how cute Epic's nervous face was, but he had a thought come to his mind.

"Why would he be nervous in the first place?" Cross wondered as he glanced over at Epic, noticing a bright purple hue covering his skeletal face. Cross froze as his eye sockets went black.

"Y-You uh.. doin' a'right over there, dude?" Cross suddenly spoke as he broke the silence. Epic jumped a little, "Y-YEAH- y-yeah! I'm good, Cross." Cross furrowed his 'brows' as he scooted over to Epic. 

"You usually never call me by my name, Epic. Somethin' botherin' ya?" Cross' eye-lights faded back, obviously knowing the answer due to Epic's aura he was just giving off, but still bothering to ask.

Epic, very quickly, grabbed Cross by the cheek bones and clanking his teeth against his crush's. Cross, knowing how epic felt just by his looks and posture, still was surprised Epic had the balls to even take a kiss, let alone so aggressively.

Cross' cheeks flamed a bright purple as his eye-lights shook a little. He blinked a couple times and grabbed the back of Epic's skull with his hands, letting into the kiss.

Epic melted, feeling finally relieved that his best friend, crush, liked him back. He also had the thought in the back of his mind that it was a dream, but even so, he should enjoy it whether he was lucid dreaming or not.

They broke the kiss, a string of bright, neon purple and slightly desaturated purple connecting their mouths. Epic panted a little and put his wrist over his mouth, both of their faces flushed with blush.

"So-sorry.." Epic apologized. He felt like he had to, even though it also felt like the right thing. Cross' eye sockets went blank as he launched himself onto Epic and kissed him roughly, but passionately. Epic gasped a little into the kiss, slowly melting into it as he hugged Cross.

Cross burrowed the bridge of his nose into Epic's neck and nuzzled him. "Don't apologize, ya dork" Cross snickered as he pet Epic's skull.

Epic's eye sockets had tear pricks forming, a shaky smile lining over his face as he chuckled a little, roughly pulling Cross into a tight hug.

"This feels like a dream... I couldn't ever think that you would like me back. It's like a dream come true" Epic stuttered out a little as he laid his head on Cross'. Sniffing a little, he dried his tears and held onto Cross like his life depended on it. Cross in return hugged Epic and pat him. Reassuring him that this was real and he wasn't going anywhere.

damn, after so many months i'm finally able to get a whole new story out, ngl i had fun writing this after such a big art block lol. anyway sorry for this being short, but i'll make a new story idk when (619 words)

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