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On Whale Island, there was nothing much to do except for fishing or watching the sun rise and set daily. Reniku, who often got bored of the nature that wherever on the island was ubiquitous, would always help out with house chores for her mother and would always, when there was nothing left to be done, go to a cliff where drapes of vines hanging from trees hidden it. The atmosphere there was drastically different as compared to before walking into it. She enjoyed the environment there; translucent golden flying fish drifting in midair, the sliver of soft reflective rainbow always catching her eyes. Some plants and tiny drops of floating golden orbs glowed in the dimly-lit, mesmerising place.

Reniku placed soft, gentle steps on the cushion-like grass and leaned onto a dark oak tree, its bark smoother than any other tree in her little world. She sat down next to the miniature fountain, its trickling sound relaxing her. How long will she be able to enjoy this moment? Will she ever be able to see this place again? The future is unknown, but in this magical display, her Secret Garden, Reniku was living in the present.

The flying fish drifted through her hand as she raised her right palm to pet them. She could not physically touch them, but she enjoyed the cold, chilly, ghostly feeling they left on her palm. They were such gentle creatures, spirits roaming around this small space, adding life to it.

Reniku, in this calming and comforting atmosphere, felt her heart squeeze. With every moment that passed, she dreaded the sunset to come when it was time for her to leave and pack up for her big day tomorrow.

Tomorrow. It was already tomorrow.

The Hunter Exam.

Time had passed too quickly for Reniku to handle.

She tried to calm herself down, being more anxious than ever.

Her body glowed slightly. The translucent golden flying fish appeared more vivid, resting on her thighs, wings caressing her skin. They were icy cold and tiny, chilly breaths escaped their noses. They laid there, enjoying the rest. Reniku hesitated for a moment, before touching them, stroking their feather-like wings. The bewildered Reniku sighed.

"Reniku! Where are you? It's time to prepare for tomorrow!"

Reniku sat up. The fish zoomed away in a frenzy, squeaks escaping their mouths. She said her goodbyes to the surprised flying fish, silently praying for good luck before rushing home. Seeing her, Reniku's mother sighed and smiled to give Reniku some confidence. "It's your big day tomorrow. Make sure to pack your things."

Reniku nodded and headed up the stairs. She grabbed a bag, throwing in some ointments, medicines, enchanted stones which can be used to either protect or attack, a bottle of water, some small snacks and an orb the size of her palm. Moving on to other preparations, she took a shirt, pants and a pair of boots and gloves. Reniku wandered around in her room, thinking that she might have forgotten something. Nervousness now seeped into her mind as she thought of what mysterious activities she might have to take part in during the exam.

The smell of lobsters and salmon wafted through the house, making Reniku's stomach growl. She pushed aside any more thoughts that may make her anxious. and headed down the stairs.

Her mother sat down with her, a feast waiting to be gobbled down displayed all over the table. Reniku felt the steam cover her face and did her prayer, saying a "Thanks for the food!" after.

Both of them silently ate their last dinner together, utensils occasionally clinking onto the plates. Just mother and daughter, and Reniku felt all the more sad that she will not be experiencing this often anymore. Taking the Hunter Exam meant changing her way of life, forever.

"Mother, may I visit you sometime?"

Her mother, smiling, had tears starting to well up in the corners of her eyes. "Reniku, come here."

They both hugged, Reniku bending down, vision blurry from tears. Her mother sniffed. "Please come and visit. It will be lonely for me. Just come at least once, okay? Stay strong at heart."

Reniku sobbed into her mother's shoulder. She was going to leave her only family. Nostalgia filled her head. Her twelve years spent in this household had been full of memories she will never forget and always hold onto.

Her mother stroked her long white-and-purple gradient hair. Emotion flooded her. She was going to miss her only child. She had been watching Reniku as she grew from a small, tiny, fragile baby, her little angel. Reniku was her only joy and this made her feel as if she was sending a baby lamb to the slaughter. She had many doubts about Reniku taking the Hunter Exam, but decided that if Reniku were to be stuck on the island her entire life, she would only watch as Gon develops into a successful hunter while she would never grow up. One day she needed to let go.

The moment lasted long.


After a good night's sleep, Reniku woke up to the sound of her alarm clock, stretching her limbs and then proceeding to warm up for the exam. She needed to calm down. Looking at the time, she had at least an hour or so before she had to leave for the docks.

Reniku washed up and changed into the clothes she had prepared. Some black skinny pants, a sky-blue tee, black boots and gloves. She grabbed her double-stringed necklace with a feather pendant for good luck. hooked it on and rushed down the stairs. She greeted her mother, who had already prepared some food for her, which Reniku wolfed down in the blink of an eye. They chatted about what was to be brought to the exam, her mother hugging her again.

With that, she headed over to Gon's house.

Aunt Mito was sweeping their front porch, looking up as she spotted Reniku running towards her house, who waved and wiped the sweat from her forehead. "Reniku-chan!"

"Good morning, Aunt Mito. Is Gon awake?" Reniku asked, huffing and puffing excessively from running. "Yes he is, why don't you get inside to meet him?"

Reniku nodded back to Aunt Mito. "Okay, thank you..." She replied, then dashed into the house and ran into Gon's room. "Oh, Reniku! Good morning!" Gon said with a slice of bread in his mouth, muffling his voice. The room was clean, with everything Gon needed in his backpack. Reniku nodded and looked around. "Are you bringing your fishing rod?"

"Mhm, it's here, in my bag." Gon replied. "Today's the big day!"

"Yeah..." Watching Gon had made Reniku nervous.

When Gon had finished packing and put his bag on, they both said their goodbyes to Aunt Mito and headed for Reniku's house, as she requested.

Reniku's mother exchanged goodbyes with her daughter and her friend, then, parting ways, the two excited and nervous twelve-year-old kids dashed towards the docks. "Hey Reniku, let's have a race to the docks, whoever reaches there first wins!"

"But you always win..." Reniku said, briskwalking as if half-running while half-walking instead of racing him.

"Yay! I win another round!" Reniku sighed in desperation. "You have too much energy."

Gon and Reniku then proceeded to find the boat they would be boarding. They walked onto the ship, heading towards the far end of the deck, where they waved to the townspeople and Aunt Mito. She folded her arms in an upset manner, yet she smiled with a little worry on her face. "We're going to be the best hunters!" Gon shouted. Reniku stood beside Gon, the widest smile plastered on her face as she heard her mother call to her, "Good luck and stay safe, the both of you!"

Reniku was sad to leave. She had longed for this day ever since making friends with Gon and finding out about the exam from him. But leaving her past behind and starting a new chapter in life was something she had not gone through before. As she felt the movement of the boat, she could not help it but already she felt homesick. As if it was the last time she would see the only home she had ever known.

There was no turning back now. Like her mother said, she needed to have determination. Wiping the nostalgia from her mind and the sad expression from her face, she decided to look forward, ready for any challenge to come.

Reniku had a sole goal: to become a hunter, and find out the past she does not remember.


Word count: 1408

Completed: 26/6/2021

Last edited: 8/7/2022

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