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Laura motioned for the rest to come over.

"We here already?" Azukae said. Rouya stiffened.

"We told him to wait here," Lauren said, lifting a gigantic leaf, revealing a small tunnel leading downwards.

Reniku, too, could sense that something was not quite right. They told Dr Yanago to hide there? They left him alone? When he could've attacked them or done something else? Why'd they trust him?

Everyone was watching as David slid in carefully, quite obviously also suspicious of the Sisters. Nevertheless, he climbed down. Azukae and Rouya agreed to stay on watch outside, with Laura accompanying them. Though hesitant to, Lauren beckoned the rest to follow her, separating from her sister. Laura didn't look too happy, either.

The tunnel was claustrophobic, and smelled like cut grass. "So...this is where you imprisoned Dr Yanago? Are we about to be locked up too?" Aster asked, not really trying to hide the suspicious tone in her voice.

Lauren replied dryly, "No. He should be waiting here."

"Hmph," Aster sighed, "should be, huh? You don't even trust him. How can y-"

"Jen," Reniku said, sensing the uncomfortable tension in the air, "er...shall we wait and see?"

Thankfully, Aster did not escalate the situation. She just clicked her tongue and continued to follow.

David stared at the long tunnel, with its many maze-looking paths. They walked straight, all the way. "Must've stayed here for months, huh?"

Lauren put her hands in her pockets. "We were quite satisfied with the seclusion and privacy this island provided us with. I can imagine we will be staying here for much longer than we already have been. A small underground tunnel would risk the Operations finding us. Hence, we spent our efforts in creating a maze that no one but my sister and I know better."

"Impressive," David whistled. They glanced at the different roads, wondering where its darkness would take them. Somehow, only the center path was lighted up with fire torches.

"Here, he is," Lauren announced, motioning to a dark pathway. "Enter touching the walls, and turn a sharp right on the first opportunity."

Oh, so they bent the entrances to prevent light from entering the rooms, Reniku thought, a smart way to keep a room's privacy and to deter invaders.

"Well, ladies first," Aster said to David, who sighed. He entered, followed by Lauren, who couldn't stop looking back to make sure Reniku and Aster entered too. A faint light was present as they stepped into a room which wasn't too claustrophobic and slightly big for an underground tunnel.

And in the room...there was nothing.

"Hey," Aster stepped aggressively in front of Lauren, "where's the Doc? Don't tell me he pissed his pants waiting and fled. Where is he."

"Well, we told him to wait," Lauren said, her eyes finally rid of the indifferent glint. "Whether he complied, it is not to my knowledge. And from this-"

She struck the wall with her dagger, her motion so fast Reniku barely noticed. Lauren was in a rage. "-I conclude that my sister and I cannot trust him. And...I presume that you have absolutely nothing to do with his disappearance. Am I correct?"

"..." Something was terribly wrong. "Lauren," Reniku said.

"What is your relationship with this doctor?" She faced them, eyes struck with distrust.

"Our teacher," Reniku said, "He recently began to teach us."

"And teach you what, exactly?"

"Something...arcane?" Aster stepped closer. "Something...you have no business with?"

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