IwaOi issues

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A teenage dream. That's how it was for Oikawa as he spent his last years with iwaizumi. Iwaizumi Hajime was his knight in shining armor and every one knew this because damn. He made it known. He would show up to Oikawa's classes in his football jersey and wait for the Junior to come out. His face would light up in joy whenever this happened because of course, he loved the attention. Oikawa on the other hand? Not so much. Being the drama queen he is, you'd think he'd love being in the spotlight, surrounded by cheerleaders and football players everywhere he went.. right? Wrong. He hated it. He loved being a drama queen, don't get me wrong. But- only with his friends.

That was. Until the captain of the volleyball team first met him.

Ushijima Wakatoshi. Senior. Captain of the VB team and straight A student. Now sure, Iwaizumi was on the football team, the quarterback too, but.. something was different with this captain.

"It shouldn't be different Makki, I'm serious! It's just. When that stupid snake comes over and calls me Tooru and asks me to come check out his practice I-

"OIKS. Relax. It's probably just another stupid crush like I had on You. Don't stress it. I mean I have Mattsun right? Everything worked out. Just. Avoid him, I don't know!"

Oikawa sighed. He was right. I should just. Avoid him. But how could he ignore when the captain of the volleyball team was looking down at him with those piercing olive eyes and pleading him to go to a practice.

Before he could even catch his breath to start a new sentence, he bumped straight into a dark purple wall; no. The dark purple wall.

"USHIWAKA. SHIT. IM SO SORRY." Oiks scrambled to gather his words as he stepped back, not daring to look up into the face of the beast. But boy, he should've just looked up. Because now Ushijima Wakatoshi had placed two fingers under his chin and tilted it upward.

Right in front of Hajime Iwaizumi.

Oikawa slapped his hand away and let out a huff, making Hajime let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Tooru felt his face gush a dark red and knew what he had to do. He puffed out his cheeks and made an angry face, shoving a finger into the captains chest.

"You are always in the wrong place at the wrong time making me angry and shit! Damnit Ushijima, when are you gonna stop pestering me?! When's the next practice?!"

Ushijima sighed and began to speak. "Tooru, youd be a lovely asset on our team, we cou- wait. Wait. When ?? Oh uh-" he stumbled over his words and peeked over to his teammates, Satoori and Reon. Satoori groaned and looked away while Reon gave a warm smile to his Captain.

"Next practice is today after school. We're doing a practice match with some tennis kids who think they know volleyball like we do. You can ask coach if you can join in to show us what you've got. He's an ass but, any friend of Wakatoshi's is a friend of his, yaknow?"

Oikawa could only nod and flip off Ushijima. But that only made Wakatoshi melt and ruffle his hair. "Well then I'll see you over on the court, Tooru."

He huffed yet again , turning around to Makki, face beet red and nose runny. "God he makes me so angry!!" He blurted, hoping the others were far enough that they wouldn't hear. But someone did hear.

Hajime Iwaizumi.

He strode over there and grabbed Oikawa by the wrist, dragging him to a nearby empty classroom.

"Tooru what the FUCK. so when I ask you to try out for the cheerleading team, you're too busy, but when it's volleyball with 'ushIwaKa' it's different?? That's fucked up. Disrespectfully. What, you gonna go to practice and suck his dick too?"

Oikawa gaped at the man, bringing his icy cold hand up to slap his face. Hajime could only stare at the ground in disbelief and shock as the smaller shook in anger.

"I'm going because I wanna try volleyball. I'm not gonna be some skimpy cheerleader, Haji. I can't do this anymore if you're gonna criticize me everytime we're alone, seriously. I'm done. We're done? Got it?"

Hajime just stared down at the ground while Oikawa ripped open the door to escape from the disgustingly bitchy atmosphere. He was so done with everything. Perfect couple huh? Far from the godforsaken truth.


"I'm breaking up with him today- after practice." Oikawa muttered, slipping on his kneepads

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2021 ⏰

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