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Jungkook entered the Emergency room as he looks for his employee.

He went straight to the information desk as he asks for someone named Taehyung...

The nurse pointed on one of the beds inside...

Jungkook went to look for his employee as for the first time, he actually felt nervous for someone.

Jungkook has always been alone his entire life. His friends are all successful like him causing them to meet once in a blue moon.

As Jungkook spotted a certain blue haired Male lying down on the bed with IV Drip running beside him, Jungkook felt a fish of relief as he saw Taehyung.

Jungkook walked towards the Male, looking at his IV drip and onto his arms in which the IV is connecte, Jungkook sighed.

"Excuse me, are you his family member?" Someone spoke behind Jungkook, he turned and saw his friend, Kim SeokJin.

"Hyung, How is he?" Asked Jungkook, igniting the surprised expression of the elder.

"Eherm, He's fine but it seems like he just ran out of energy. Are you his Boyfriend?" Asked SeokJin as Jungkooks eyes widened a bit.

"N-No, I'm his Boss" Said Jungkook as SeokJin made a 'Knowing' face as everyone that comes into Private contact with Jungkook always ends up in tears.

"Alright Alright, you can wake him up after he finishes his IV, and take it slow, Alright?" Said SeokJin as Jungkook was speechless by the elders words.

'Am I that much of a slut?' Thought Jungkook as he was snapped out of his own world as he heard someone cough next to him.

Jungkook immediately sat next to Taehyung, he was about to reach the Latters hand but stopped midway as he was confused on why and what he was doing.

Jungkook curled his fingers to a fist and glanced at Taehyung, who slowly opens his eyes.

It seemed like time had slowed down as Jungkook states at the Male in front of him, mesmerized by his pale skin, blue hair and angelic face.

His face was too beautiful that it seemed illegal for any man to walk around with it.

"Are you feeling alright?" Asked Jungkook as Taehyung fully opened his eyes, shocked to see his boss in front of him.

Taehyung tried to sit up but his head started to spin, making him tumble back down, luckily Jungkook managed to help him lie down.

"I-I'm sorry for the trouble, Mr. Jeon. You can go now" Said Taehyung as he tried his best to keep his eyes open.

"Where do you live? I'll take you there" Said Jungkook but Taehyung seemed to be looking for something around the Emergency room making Jungkook state at him in confusion.

"What are you looking for? Your bag?" Asked Jungkook but the Blue haired Male shakes his head.

"I-If you don't mind me asking, what time is it Mr. Jeon?" Asked Taehyung as Jungkook looked at us watch.

"Almost 2 Am" Said Jungkook as Taehyung panicked.

Taehyung tried to stand up but Jungkook stopped him as he held the Male by the shoulder and made him lie down.

"What are you doing? You're still on IV you cannot be standing up at your state" Said Jungkook as Taehyung gripped his cuffs, looking anxious.

"No, You don't understand Mr. Jeon. I have to go" Said Taehyung, forcing his way up, making a ruckus inside the ER.

Jungkook still tries to hold him down as the area where his IV was inserted started to bleed.

"Taehyung, Taehyung" Jungkook tried to call him calmly but the Male doesn't show signs that he's listening to him.

"Taehyung!" Jungkook Yelled, making all the heads turn towards them both.

Taehyung looked at him with tears almost falling from his eyes.

"Make me understand why you have to go home or else I'll hold you like this until you're fine" Said Jungkook in a stern voice, making Taehyung lie down on his bed again.

After the ruckus Taehyung made, the nurse started to clean his Wound and inserted a new IV line on his other arm.

"Care to explain?" Asked Jungkook as Taehyung gulped before opening his mouth.

The nurse left and closed the curtain around them, giving them more privacy.

"My Landlord, he's too much. He's old but he's ruthless. If you don't make it back in time he locks the gates to the apartment despite your reasons" Taehyung explained.

"That's it? You caused a scene just because of that?!" Said Jungkook as he felt his temper rising.

"Y-Yes" Said Taehyung as he bit his lips in embarrassment.

"You could've just slept in one of your friends' house or your parents house. Why live in that apartment?" Asked Jungkook

"My parents live in Daegu, and I don't have that many friends" Said Taehyung as first time in Jungkooks existence does his heart made a painful beat.

"Just book a hotel room or something" Said Jungkook but Taehyung shakes his head.

"I don't have enough money on me right now, and I can't afford to pay more accommodation right now because I have to pay the hospital bill" said Taehyung as he seemed like he was about t cry.

For the first time in Jeon Jungkook's history, he never felt a painful tug in his heart. He never felt this feelings since forever.

"Why did you faint anyway?" Asked Jungkook

"I don't know, I was too immersed into work that I forgot what time it was. And suddenly it's already evening" Said Taehyung as Jungkooks eyes widened

"You didn't eat lunch?" Asked Jungkook as Taehyung also seemed quite surprised and slowly nodded.

Jungkook sighed and looked at Taehyung. 

"I'll pay all your bills, and I'll help you look for a room" Said Jungkook as he stood up and went to the cashier to pay for his Medical bills.

But all this time, Taehyung was lying. He has enough money to pay for accommodation and to pay his bills. But his Landlord is truly ruthless, but what Taehyung is more concerned about was his Medicine in his apartment room.

Because without it, Taehyung would be-

"I changed my mind" Said Jungkook as he opens the curtains.

"You're coming home with me" Said Jungkook as Taehyungs eyes widened and his mouth agape.



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