Crashed Supplies

386 15 0

Mika's POV

We finally arrive at the border. A line of baracades and trenches with artilery, temporary camps, and even guard towers. Some of the buildings have also been fortified.

Aster ran over and began talking to the commander and we followed behind him a few seconds later.

V. Commander "We've only seen them from afar. They've yet to actually attack us with those things but that's exactly what got us so anxious. Without knowing how they fight and how many there are, along with the scarce supply we have, it's unclear how we'll hold up once those things attack."

Aster "i see. Has any of the cities send supplies yet?"

V. Commander "not yet. I've sent requests but they said things are still pretty rough back there at Nagoya. Fortunately Kyoto responded and said supplies are on their way from their outpost but it's been a day and we've not recieved anything."

Aster "very well. We'll investigate. Hold the line."

V. Commander "yes sir!"

Aster turned back to us and brought us to one of the camps.

Shinoa "what was that convertation about?"

Aster "apparently they've spotted cyborgs of sorts. Half-human half-machine creations."

Yuu "what?!"

Aster "the commander is a much lower rank than i was expecting. I doubt he's even a noble. Do you guys think you can sort out the supply problem? I need to stay here just in case things go bad."

Shinoa "alright. We'll look into it."

Aster "good. Take that truck there and just keep following this road until you either bump into the supplies or the outpost. Either case, report back to me and i'll send people to get it."

Shinoa nodded and we headed for the car that Aster pointed at. It was more of a military truck but in any case.

Yuu immediately wanted to drive but taking into consideration his lack of skills on that department, i stopped him and took the driver's seat instead. Yuu sat next to me pouting and everyone else sat on the back.

I started the car and soon we were off.

Only a few minutes in and Yuu piped up with a question.

Yuu "what do you guys think about what Aster said? About these... 'cyborgs'?"

Kimizuki "exactly that idiot. Half-human half-machine."

Yuu "no! I mean... do you think the people did it willingly...?"

The truck got quiet. Im sure everyone knows the answer but are just unwilling to answer. and im sure Yuu knows it too...

Mitsuba "look. Im sure we all know by this point that everyone does bad things. Even the things we do are questionable. But i don't think any of that matters. What matters is that we stick together and look out for our friends no matter what faction they're in."

The truck became quite once more.

Yuu "thats.... surprising."

Kimizuki "yeah. Don't know why it sounds so weird coming from Mitsuba. It sounds like something Dumbass would say."

Yuu "what the hell did you just call me?!"

Mitsuba "hmph! Fine then! See if im gonna look out for you guys anymore!!"

And the ride errupted to chaos. I couldn't help but laugh and it looks like eventually, they all joined in and made the tension go away.


It took us a few minutes of driving but eventually we found a truck that's been tipped to the side and vampire uniforms and ash scatter the hround. I pulled the car over and everyone got out. We walked closer to the scene to investigate it.

Yuu "these guys got wrecked..."

Mika "yes. But by what...?"

I looked around for clues. A large dent was visible at the truck, suggesting something strong punched it over. The ground is cracked indicating something heavy, and Some of the cloaks were sliced completely in two. It didn't seem like much to look at but then i took a few steps back and noticed that two vampires were killed by one swipe as their capes are cut at the exact same angle.

It was then that i heard it. Heavy clunking. I looked behind me and barely had time to recognise what i was looking at when a small rocket was sent flying my way.

Mika "MOVE!!"

i jumped and everyone did too. The rocket hit the tipped-over truck and exploded on impact. I looked back on what i saw. It had a human torso but... manggled. Tubes came out the flesy parts connecting it to a large mechanical body. The bloody head of what once was a human is sat atop the metal body with it's mouth completely covered by mechanical tubes.

It was... horrific...

Shinoa "Formation! Everyone!"

I teared my eyes away from the mosntrosity and ran to the others, forming our defensive line with Yuu and i at the very front.

Seeing Yuu's face, it looks like he too is unnerved by whatever we're looking at.

The cyborg then unfolded one of it's arms and revealed a large blade while the other was a rocket launcher of sorts.

We then heard yet even more heavy clunking and looked to the side. Two more cyborgs revealed themselves from behind a building. Both already revealing their large blades but it looks like these ones don't have a rocket launcher. Instead, having a large mechanical claw. Either way, not good.

Kimizuki "what's the plan here Shinoa?"

Shinoa looked to still be thinking until she replied.

Shinoa "Don't attack unless you see an opening. Yoichi can take shots, the rest of us play defense."

Yuu "you got it!"

Kimizuki "fine by me."

I gripped my blade tightly as i readied myself for the fight. The one with the rocket launcher charged with it's blade out. I jumped up while the others jumped back and after the blade's finished it's swing, i charged down with and cut it's bladed arm.

The cyborg took a step back and it's other two friends charged at us. Yoichi shot one of them in the head. The human head exploded in a pop of blood abd brain bits meanwhile Kimisuki baited the second one's first swing and stuck the cyborg's blade in the ground.

Seeing as they have situations under control there, i focused back on the one with a rocket launcher. It aimed it's weapon forward and was about to shoot.

Mika "my sword. Drink my blood."

Thorny red tendrils emerged from my sword and gripped my arm. My blade went red and when the robot launched it's rocket, i sent a red wave of energy back at it, cutting the rocket mid air and making it explode.

A green and black arrow flew next to my head and hit the cyborg's arm, blowing it up and rendering the thing dead.

I put my sword back and walked over to the corpse of the enemy we just defeated. The human head attached to it looked in pain even after it's death. Is this what human imagination can truly bring up....

A New Dawn~ (Owari no Seraph Fanfic) (RE-WRITING)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora