The New King (RE-WRITTEN)

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Mika's POV

We landed in Sanguinem's airfield. I guess i was starting to miss this place a little. Everyone else other than me and Yuu seemed awestruck, they were looking around and taking in the sights, and quite a sight it is. A city underground, blue and green lights crawl up the buildings creating a marvelous specticle of colour. The buildings are stacked atop one another in mid-century european style and even from here, i could already see what once was Krul's palace over in the horizon.

Lackas and René told us to pick up our pace and save the sight-seeing for later as we wouldn't want to keep the king waiting.

We followed the two vampires as they led us to a black car. It was now Yuu's turn to be awestruck. He always did liked cars and being livestock when we were kids, i could hardly blame him. I remember Ferid also having a few cars in his mansion. It is to my understanding that only the high-ranked vampires have vehicles so this car must be courtesy of the king.

Lackas opened the door and went in as we soon followed. René took a different car as to not fill up the space and give us room. After we've all settled, the car set off toward the palace.

I looked out the window, seeing the familiar streets i used to patrol as a guard, and the places me and Yuu liked to visit as livestock. The city hasn't changed much at all. We went by the shops that were run by vampires who are not part of the military. Most of the shops just sold normal vampire-related things like blood packs, cloaks, vampire clothing, UV protection rings and so on. But i remember all the special shops here that sell stuff from the human world. Im guessing the shop-keep either got that from scavenging or trading.

As livestock, we weren't allowed to roam too far away from our residence which are basically slums, so im sure seeing all this is new to Yuu. Vampires have lives too and Sanguinem does have currency, those who don't serve in the military need other ways to gain money and so there are businesses. It's not too different from the old world really.

Well the city itself hasn't changed, but it looks like the people has. All around us were vampire soldiers patrolling. Some were even beating up the locals! Another thing that i noticed is that the vampires didn't look Japanese. I guess this is part of the new faction.

As i continue to ponder, the car stopped in front of an ornamented gate that i know all too well. After confirmation from the guard, the large gates open and led to a long straight road with a gigantic palace at the end. The car stopped in the palace's courtyard and after we all went out, the driver moved the car to the parking area next to the palace.

I looked back at my friends seeing them still in awe with their mouths gaping wide at the sight of the palace but who could blame them?

Krul's palace is humungous with even the windows being at least 2 meters tall. Krul told me once that the palace holds about 700 rooms in total. Some of the bigger rooms included the royal audience chamber otherwise known as the throne room, the council chamber, the indoor garden which i remember Krul never really cared for, the royal archives, the gallery and more. This place was basically it's own city crammed into one building.

Lackas then led us into the building and we took the familiar route into what once was Krul's throne room. A long corridor with statues and pillars holding the roof which was vaulted upwards creating a cylinder-like ceiling. The room was well decorated with beautiful and extravagant chandeliers hanging from the vaulted roof, shining ceramic tiles, a soft royal red carpet with streaks of gold on each side and at the end of the room was an elevated platform with giant red curtains covering the left and right side from view, focusing anyone's attention to the throne of pure gold at the middle of the elevated platform.

As we slowly walked over, i could see the golden throne but it seems to have been changed, and sat atop the throne was a vampire that i remember seeing in one of the progenitor council meeting. His screen was located next to Lest Karr's and he seems to have a bitter rivalry with Krul.

Speaking of Lest Karr. I saw him at the corner of my eye standing next to the vampire on the throne.

The vampire had two guards behind him waring a deep blue cloak and holding rather futuristic-looking spears.

Once we made it there, Lackas bowed his head and took a few steps back, placing him a few feet behind us.

(Y/N) "Finally. You all made it. I trust the ride wasn't too bad? I would have spent more on it if the traitorous queen didn't screw up the economy here."

We all simply stood and watched him. The disdain in his words when he mentioned Krul was clear.

(Y/N) "speaking of the traitor, i should thank all of you."

Yuu "thank us? And why is that?"

(Y/N) "didn't you know? It was because of you six that she was pulled down from the throne and i rose to power. You really did make quite a mess you know? Especially you with the black hair."

The king pointed at Yuu before returning his hand to it's original position.

(Y/N) "Yuichiro Hyakuya. Formerly known as Yichiro Amane. The seraph who laid ruin to the Japanese Imperial Demon Army and Sanguinem Vampires alike. The legendary boy who got the progenitor council itself all rioting."

We all looked at Yuu and the king. Im not sure what the rest are thinking but there is only one thing on my mind, fear. If Yuu got a bad reputation in the council, we're screwed. Fighting the council is like fighting the world.

Yuu "And why did you call us here? What do you want from us?" Yuu asked the king sternly. Oh i hope he's not gonna try making trouble.

(Y/N) "I'll make it simple. I want to employ you."

Huh? We all looked at him in slight confusion.

Yuu "what do you mean 'employ us'?"

(Y/N) "what else? Im offering you a job."

Yuu "and whats in it for us?"

(Y/N) "well for one, im gonna need to kill off the humans who don't want to accept peace, so a new war will be declared in the coming days. And im sure you don't want to be caught up in that do you? Your house is in the middle of both sides after all."

(Y/N) "In return for your service, i'll give you a place to live here and lots of perks. Do your job well and i may even put in a good word to the council"

Shinoa "if i may."

Shinoa spoke up and took a few steps forward so that she is now in front of us.

(Y/N) "go on..."

Shinoa "We defected from the army and we're our own faction. We hold no political or military ties. What would be the difference in your offer?"

(Y/N) "well... i never mentioned any ties now did i? You are not in my faction. You are your own group. I am simply offering an alternative, it's much better than getting caught up in the war, or getting in the way of the council."

Shinoa "Hmm....can we have a few days to think it over?"

(Y/N) "how much?"

Shinoa "say... 10 days."

(Y/N) "im afraid i can't wait that long, The war would have already started... you have 1 week."

Shinoa "alright. We can work with that."

After that, the king dismissed us and we were sent back to our house by the shore. We have a lot of discussing to do...

Aaanndd dassa wrap! I hope you guys have been enjoying my stories, i've been rather active these past few days and i'll see you all in the next one! Bye-bye! :3

Note : I have no idea how this happened but somehow when i finished this was posted on my Demon Slayer fanfic so i had to copy and paste it over to here. Im so confused.

A New Dawn~ (Owari no Seraph Fanfic) (RE-WRITING)Where stories live. Discover now