Chapter Eight

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After Kendall and I spoke about my feelings, we ended up walking on the beach for a couple more minutes until it was completely dark out. The air was still warm, and it smelled like the ocean.

I realized that Kendall was right, for the most part. There was no reason for me to worry because there was nothing happening right now. Kendall and I were together, and it was us against the world. Those words resonated with me on a completely different level. They made me anxious. I knew how I felt for Kendall, but the way that he looked at me and said those words made me realize that this was actually happening. We were finally together, and it felt right.

Kendall's voice broke me out of my thoughts. "Baby, do you wanna go back up to the house? We can watch a movie, if you'd like," he said softly. I looked at him, smiling.

"Yeah, that's fine. Could we maybe go in the hot tub instead? I want to be in the water, but I can't go now. It's too dark," I responded. He nodded his head and we turned to go back to the house. I had a funny idea, so I turned and stood in front of Kendall.

"Turn around, I have a surprise for you!"

He looked at me quizzically, but turned around anyways. I smirked to myself and started to quietly back away before turning and running.

"Haley? What's the surprise?" I heard him say. I looked back to see him slowly turn around, his mouth forming a fake hurt look.

"Hey! I'm totally gonna beat you!"

I laughed, stepping up onto the path and running back to the house. I knew that he wouldn't get to the house before me because of my cheating, so I ran in and shut the door before running through the house to the stairs. I heard him open the door as I got to the top of the stairs, and I quietly ran through the halls to our bedroom. When I got inside, I shut the door quietly and decided to hide in the closet. I heard him pounding up the stairs, trying to catch me, so I hurriedly got inside of the closet and shut the door and made myself comfortable with the robes that were inside of it. I hunkered down just as the door to our bedroom opened, and I silenced my breathing so that Kendall wouldn't hear me. 

"Haley, where'd you go?"

He walked into the bathroom, then back out. I heard the balcony door open, and I heard him loudly sigh when he realized that I wasn't out there. There was only one more place for him to check, which was the closet that I was in. I slowly and quietly sunk into the darkest corner of the closet, just as Kendall opened the door. I hoped he wouldn't see me, and it seemed as though he hadn't seen me because he started to back out of the closet. I looked around the closet, preparing to go out to him.

Just as I was about to get up, I felt something flop beside me. The thing laughed, and that was when I realized that Kendall had snuck in here when I wasn't looking.

"You found me," I said quietly.

"Yeah, I guess I did," he responded just as softly. One of his hands came to cup my cheek, and I knew right then and there that my feelings for this man weren't just liking him, or lusting for him. I loved him, and I was terrified to tell him. I knew that I needed to make sure that I wasn't just feeling this way right now and that in the morning I would be back to the same old Haley. Before I had a chance to look away from him, he slammed our lips together.

This kiss was full of fire, passion, and emotion. It was heated, and I didn't think that I wanted it to stop. My hands went to his hair as his went to the small of my back, both of us moving onto our knees. I felt Kendall's tongue grace over my bottom lip, asking for permission. I opened my mouth and our tongues began dancing together. 

Slowly, we stood up. All of a sudden, I felt Kendall bend down and wrap his arms around my butt, lifting me up onto his waist. I let out a squeal, breaking our kiss for a second as he laughed. He led us to the bed, reconnecting our lips along the way.

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