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So I am here with a new chapter, all I can hope you'll like it.

As always I appreciate you for waiting and not giving up on this story. And lastly thanks to Ms_starsky for editing. Love you baby ❤️✨

 Love you baby ❤️✨

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It is something that leads to the destruction of everything that comes in contact with it. But when it blazes our inner thoughts and emotions, it leads to nothing but tear down the inner feelings, beliefs, and hopes that are present in our minds.

But how much time will it take to burn everything down in Ares mind?

When will this hope ignite and take him to the door of freedom and liberty where he can decide for himself and will make everyone around him happy?

If tomorrow comes, how could he make a difference?

Is it like all the days he spends in this hell?

All these years he has done nothing, but serve these monsters in this cage. Oh, why is he even saying that the people here are monsters when he is one of them.


He feels like dying somewhere in the vast space where no one could find him, but then as always, thoughts of someone crossed his mind and made the bridge out of it to reach their destination, his poor broken heart.

And so he stops himself every time from taking his own life which he wanted to take long ago.

But today, something in him snapped after all these years.

This fire was igniting every corner of his heart and mind like never before. Accidents that happened today never happened before.

Which not only flips his humanity but makes him shiver badly to the depths of his cold heart making it melt vigorously, and now giving rise to the steering wheels which were running fast to the burningly hot potent lava.

A monstrous dark shadow shaped in his eyes, he takes deep breaths to contain himself, nose flaring in rage, teeth grit in frustration.

Unable to enclose the burning pressure in his neck, he cracked his neck. A hoarse groan leaves his parted red lips as he dangerously whispered with authority.

"Call Luna, right now!"

The whole demeanor of him changed in a flick when he composed himself and made up his mind that if he is unable to help them, then he will take care of them with everything he has.

No matter what it takes.

Even his life.

Another person in the room was bewildered by the sudden order from his idol so he raised a question, a little shake was clearly audible on that frightened boy's face, "W-What...?"

𝗠𝗘𝗠𝗢𝗥𝗜𝗘𝗦 - JK (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now