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"Bye mom love you" love you too sweetie" today im moving to L.A. and moving in an apartment with my best friend Andrea Russett!!! im so excited yay!!! 

                                ~~~~~~~~~~~~ on the plane ~ about to land ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"fasten your seatbelts we are about to land!" a way TOO perky flight attendant said. so we landed and now im at baggage claim waiting for my luggage and of course Andrea and Arden my other friend. (Arden doesnt live with them) I turn around to see a group of boys walking up to me. "hey are you Jenn McAllister?" yeah why" "andrea sent us to pick you up cuz her and arden are at a photo shoot for meghan (strawburry17)" "oh ok!" "well im kian andreas boyfriend(yes they are still dating) and this is sam, ricky, connor (yes connor is here), trevor, and JC. gawd JC is hawwttt!!! ugh soo fangirling over the fraking JC Caylen! i guess i stared too long cuz i heard JC chuckle. "So we should get goin" Connor said. we all walked to the van and got in. 

                                                                               ~~ JCs pov~~

wow jenn is really pretty. wait what?!?!?!?! JC you have Lia. plus you just met Jenn she could be a physcopath murder for all you know!!! but it was love at first sight shut up inner self!!! woah woah JC calm it. you have anger issues. no i dont! your having a conversation with yourself and oyu called a beautiful girl a phsycopath murder, you are crazy. face it. god innerself RUDE MUCH!!!! see anger issues. told you. im done with you. 

                                                                                ~~ Kians pov~~

JC is acting wierd ever since we met Jenn. Since weve been home he locked himself in his room. noone is allowed inside. i went and knocked and of course he said go away so i got a bobby pin that andrea left here and picked his lock. "JC wtf is wong with you? shutting everyone out is not like you." "i dont know. i was just thinking." "about what?" "how much i love Jenn." "WHAT!?!?!?!?" " OH SHIT DID I SAY THAT OUT LOUD???" "yeah. do you really like Jenn i mean you met her like two hours ago and like a five minute convo dude. and plus what about lia?" "she broke up with me." "what when???" " like 5 min ago. i wanna get to know jenn better" " well im going to help the girls move into the apartment you can come with me" "okay and kian" "yeah" "thanks bro" "for what?" i chuckled a little "you never judge and always support me and are always there for me" "thats what brothers are there for right?" "yeah" i walked out and immediately called Andrea to tell her the news. 

                                                        ~~Andreas pov~~

me and jenn were talking and i found out that she likes JC! she was putting herclothes in her closet when i got a call from kian. "hey wassup" " i have big news" "spill!!!" " so Lia broke up with JC and he likes jenn. so hes comin over with me tomorrow to help you guys pack and go to IKEA. ok?" "omg thats great cuz jenn likes JC too!!!!" should i tell jenn? "im gonna go tell JC that Jenn likes him" "kk im gonna go do the same" " bye babe goodnight love you " night babe love you too" 

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