Chapter 24- Reseeking The Past

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Maya POV
*3 months later*

My baby girl and I was getting ready to go to go to the store and get some groceries & head to mall so I could get her some more onesies. I was dressed in (in media) and dress Jordan in a blue and white flower onesie.

"How's my lwttle cutie" I said smiling picking her up. She starts giggling making her dimples show in her chubby cheeks. Gosh this girl gonna be the death of me. I thought to myself. I grab my black studded purse and put my money walet phone lipstick and etc in it. I pick up Jordan and go to my white and gold range rover and put her in her car seat. I went to the driver side and started it up and turn on the radio and Chris's song Came To Do was on. I almost swerve the car cause this little girl screamed

"Yayayayayyayayysyysaaaassaaaa buhbuhbubuhbubb" Jordan screamed and started dancing around in her seat. I shook my head she love her uncle. I pulled up to publix supermarket and parked I got Jordan out the car and carried her inside and got a cart.

~10 min later~

I was walk down the seafood isle looking for some shrimp so I decided on just going to the seafood man.

Both say- Can I get 2 salamons and 2 pounds of shrimp. Thanks

I look next to me seeing this familiar looking man but I couldn't tell cause I only saw the side of his face.

"Excuse me but um do I know you?" I asked the guy. He turned around. It was this light skin pink lips dark brown waves in a fade 1 ear peirced and has a lot of tats and muscles but the only thing that looked familiar was his eyes one was light blue and one was hazel and I only met one person with those type of eyes.

"Drew" I said with a shocked face. He smiled.

"Maya long time no see I haven't seen u since 7th grade u....grown" he bits his lips damn this boy.

"And u.....changed last time I saw u u had glasses black braces curly wild hair and did not have these muscle- I mean" he laughed and I blushed with embarrassment.

"And who is this little girl" he said picking up Jordan and she started making faces and sticking her tongue out. She not to stop hanging around with Chris.

"That'd my daughter Jordan she a little goofball." I said smiling. She turned around  and looked me and laughed I can't with her.

"Here are you guys orders" the seafood man said. We both said thank u and walked together as he held Jordan and she was so focused on playing with his earring

"So we should catch up sometime u know get something to eat or something and bring cutie with u" he said giving me Jordan. I put her in the cart and let her play with her little einsteins toy (had to do it Lol). We got in line and payed and got our bags and headed to our cars which were right beside each other.

"Yea we should here my number. How does Chin's Min's on 3rd st?" I asked (tottaly fake like its so random)

"Yea that great well she u Maya, by chubby cutie" he said pinching Jordans cheeks she laughed and pinched his. I got us in the car and decided to go home and get the onesies tomorrow or later. Jordan was extra hyper when we got home. So I let her do her and watched TV. My phone started ringing

"Hjdiheigeuhdeusrkbsijxrij" a baby voice said.

"Man if don't give me back the phone" I heard Chris voice say ( a/n Chris and Jackie broke up she didn't wanna be a mom and more and now he go with kae)

"Chris stop bring mean to my nephew" I said then I heard Corey giggling.

"W.e he being dumb"

"Mhmmm just like his daddy" I said flipping Jordan over she stay being clumbsy. Then she started screaming like she did in the car and the Corey did the same 2.

Both say-OMG SHUT UP U LITTLE PPL. Me and Chris both said and then these kids had the nerve to laugh.

"These kids doe but I was wondering if me and C-man can come over cause he keep saying J J so I'm guessing he missing his cousin"

"Yea NP y'all can come" I said. Then he said he will be here in 15. So I went upstairs and changed into a pink sports bra a black sweats and changed J into her black and pink onesie. We went downstairs and I was about to  start cooking until I heard the bell ring. I picked up Jordan off the floor and now she moving in my arms like she is stupid like neggro. I opened the door and see my little cutie and Chris ugly behind. Jordan and Corey started reaching for each other I thought it was so cute I put Jordan on the floor and Chris followed with  Corey and they started crawling around babbling about nothing and giggling.

"How u doing ugly" I asked Chris sitting down on the couch with my feet spread out. He looked at me with that "real Nigga" face I laughed at him.

"Man I ain't ugly now move" he said lifting my feet up and putting it on his lap while I layed back. We talk for awhile until the kids came and sat on floor and Corey layed on the floor and Jordan layed her head on his stomach.

"They are minny us. Awe" I said to Chris he chuckled and agreed

"Yo I gotta tell u something real important like frfr"

"Ight spill it"

"So I was on social media yesterday and there a thing that caught my eye I-I think I have another child......."

                         To be continued

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