Finding friends

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Tick slightly rolled over, still half asleep before you fell off. At the sudden pain that shot through your back and side, you woke up gasping for had another nightmare, you got them since you knew, the secret..they probably didn't think you would remember it or something, but you..were not the average 4yr old, you had a usual test score of 287/300.
You had arrived at Grace field not too long days ago it was a sad Sunday afternoon that you and a small group of average-high quality kids escaped..the calendar had a big red circle on today..Thursday ..conny..she was shipped last Thursday...she was so happy too...why? She didn't know..she didn't know the truth that would scare her to the moment she would die, it hurt you to know that your 'family' from glory bell orphanage was going to die, as all the 1-8yr olds had no idea about the secret, you were confused as the duo you thought of as your big siblings told you about it. You barely understood as your mind didn't really pay attention to the conversation. Emily , and Lenny..Lenny was like your big brother, and Emily was like a big sister..they escaped..but had made plans to leave you with a different group..the 9-10yr olds...

(I made up Emily and Lenny because most of the glory bell kids weren't mentioned, and those who were, weren't the correct age I was looking for)

Emily, who advised you to go with the 9-10yr olds did have a good intention..but it didnt work out so well, the whole group you were with..except maybe 2-3..were taken by he demons, you were moved to a different farm and the 11yr olds..including Lenny and Emily..well, nobody has gotten any further information about them...they were supposed to go before the other group so they could get us to a safe place without having to find one with us there at the moment.

I wonder what they are thinking...
Did they notice or complete absence?
Did the kids from the group reach them To tell them the info?
Are they searching for us?
Are they worried?
Could the demons have gotten to them?

I sighed, brushing my bangs out of my face as I stood up, brushing my outfit off..isa-mama..wouldn't be happy if I got my clothes dirty..they were white, hard to get stains out!
I looked at the calendar again. Thursday...too bad..your birthday was in a weren't too excited, but you knew that because of your won't die too soon.


All the kids ran around, ending up at one tree. Ray, like always, was sitting back to the tree, reading a book
Emma, the usually happy..or so they say...11yr old announced joyfully, Ok Everybody! Sister krone is it! We have to go hide quickly, ok?
The kids cheered as ray sighed deeply and took his pocket watch out.
He looked me
"Oi" he yelled in my direction "come sit over here y/n"
"R-right" I mumbled as I made my way to him
I wasn't a big fan of tag..or any sport, they ended up figuring that out due to my behavior
"K, 3....2.....1....go" ray yelled out to Emma as he rolled his eyes, as Emma and Norman took some of the kids and had them run off, in different directions.
Sister krone smiled in my direction and told ray, "tell me when to begin, yea?"
"Tch..whatever" ray replied
A few minutes passed and ray signaled for sister krone to find them..
After the game of tag I decided to play with Phil, he was fun..he introduced be to damdin and Dominic too! And Dominic introduced me to Anna, you have seen her around but never really talked to her..Anna was really nice and fun to play with aswell as the other kids your age..or around it.
As for norman, Emma, and considered them as your older siblings..Dominic, damdin, and Phil were your best friends and you considered them brothers.
Anna was like...a mom..or babysitter, the best at it too!

745 words!
I will post the next part soon, I'm still sick😅🤒

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