The preperations

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You rolled out of your bed as you looked around..a whole lot of commotion!
You put your uniform on and slipped socks on, no shoes..just socks, as you ran along with the other kids you scanned the area for got used to calling her that by now, you were now 5! Nothing to really get excited about tho, you had gotten better at faking emotions too.
You spotted mama, tiptoeing past her as you tried to sneak off. The door, front door to be exact, you needed to get through the door, not really hungry but begging mentally for peace and quiet, you quietly ran through the halls past others to get away.
Dang it..
"Y/n dear..where are you going?"
"...."you stood frozen in place "I-I..out-outside?" you stuttered
"Y/ know it's breakfast time, not truly the time to play now, am I correct?"
You don't know what the hell I'm doing so kind your business, it's not like you can't track me anyways, or Like you don't let everybody run around at playtime! That's what I wanted to say..instead..
"R-right m-mama..."
"Very well, Come on dear, the food is being prepared!"


As soon as we were let out, instead of sitting by a tree watching the game of tag, like usual..I went to the pond, sat on a rock as I started to draw in my journal.
If I ever became a mom...well..I would want to know why I didn't choose to die instead...
A song came to mind..where have I heard it?
I started to hum the lullaby, adding in some of the lyrics time to time. Hearing a soft gasp, I turned my head sharply to look for the source of disturbance.
No..there was someone here
Damdin, popped out of a bush, first his head than he popped back in, and soon came rolling out stopping right before falling in the pond
"Heh..hey y/n!"

hey y/n!"(Damdin)

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"W-what are you..d-did you..hear me?"
"Uh..yea, sorry! I just..wondered why you didn't sit in your usual spot! B-but I love your..uh..voice? Singing? Humming?" He paused, confused on what he should say "a-anyways! I'm really sorry..for intruding!"
"'s cool"
Damdin ran back to the others and the awaiting game of tag.
I went back to drawing, as I was in the middle of drawing a picture of mama, a muffled scream was heard through the forest, I grabbed my belongings and ran back to the others, soon mama emerged from the woods with Emma laying in her arms and a shocked Norman and ray following behind..they all looked sad

Turns out emma and Norman knew the truth aswell. Emma's leg was broken by mama, ray was a traitor and Gilda and don were going to be told all this.
Got that and more from a gloomy conversation.

I will post more tomorrow or, maybe even next month if a miracle does not want to be sent.
I hope y'all like this part! Again check out my other story please! Thank you for all the reads! And for whoever read my other story too!
553 words!

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