Chapter 12 "closer to each other"

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Killian's Pov:
I wait for chanity to come downstairs so she can meet my team aka the rest of the people in my mafia "sup man" I roll my eyes and smirk

"Sup malicah" we do our handshake and chest bump "did everything go well," I ask with a straight face "yes my dood he won't be coming back ever." I nod

"But you have some explaining to do bro you didn't tell me ax was back" malicah whines he and my brother have a strange relationship ever since we were kids ax would always flirt with him and of course malicah would flirt back but I could never tell if they were joking or not

But after ax came out bi to the family a couple of years back my mother was furious and stopped talking to him my father, on the other hand, loved ax for who he is and so did I and everyone else on my dad's side.

Ax told me he had strong feelings for malicah which I was fine with because malicah came out to me and his family that same year as bi and we fully supported him.

But malicah has always shown hints that he liked my brother but my brother he told everyone proudly that he liked malicah wholeheartedly. After the incident a couple of years back with my brother's mental health, they stopped talking at least that's what I know.

But honestly, it's all up to them.

I tell for everyone attention I don't want to scare away chanity with the number of men in here so I only allowed my closet members to come

"Chanity is mine. You touch her you die. You smirk at her you die. You even look at her body I will kill you." "And no matter what do not tell her details about our organization she's not ready for that" 

"Have I made myself clear"

"Yes sir!" they all respond

"Great she should be down in 20"

********20 minutes later*****

Chanitys Pov:
I walk downstairs and I gape at all the giant men sitting at the dining table there are at least 20 people in here max. I feel eyes stare at me making me wanna shrink into a cell

I feel arms wrap around my waist and my heart stops "it's just me Bambina"  I hear killian thick accent and deep voice and I sigh and he kisses my temple.

"Ready to meet everyone" I nod and smile one thing about me is I like meeting new people even tho I rarely talk to people.

*****30 minutes later****
Killian has introduced me to almost everyone so far I've meet Curtis, Antonio, Marlon, James, chance, Daavid, and many others but those were the most memorable

After chatting with Ax a bit killian takes me to meet malicah "just to warn you malicah can be umm "un po' ficcanaso e goffo" I look at kill in confusion "wait for wha-" (translation: very goofy)

"Best frienddd," I notice a dark skin man with dreads and an arrow tattoo across his neck I raise my eyebrows as he tackles Killian to the ground he must be Malicah

Killian chuckles as they get up and they do a handshake the chest bump.

"Ahhh you must be chanity" I blush as I hear his thick Chicago accent my landlord was from Chicago so I recognize the accent.

"Yeah, that's me... if you don't mind me asking are you from Chicago" he smiles and nods

"Born and kinda raised I moved here when I was 13," he says I look at the scar across his eye
I wonder how that happened... I shouldn't pry it's not my business anyways

"MALICAH" I hear a high pitch voice yell I Avert my eyes to see ax sprinting down the hallway I look at malicah and his eyes go wide "gotta go nice meeting you chanity I hope to speak to you again" before I can respond he sprints the other direction and I see Ax sprint after him.

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