Chapter 20 "letting go"

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Chanitys Pov:
I wake up hearing soft music blasting downstairs and white roses leading from the room out the door I furrow my eyebrows together and I get up off the bed walking downstairs following the white roses I almost die laugh as I look at Killian on the kitchen table belting out the lyrics to when I see you on the kitchen table

Wearing a fedora hat and a black wife beater with black jeans and shades along with a Gucci belt

"I put your picture on my mirror" he yells his voice cracking and pointing at me and I blush and cover my face

"Start to blush when somebody says your name"  I hear another voice sing and I look to see malicah walk out the pantry and I let out a goofy laugh as he's wearing the same thing as Killian

"In my stomach, there's a pain" I turn around to see Ax behind me wearing the same thing but in white holding his stomach acting in pain

SEE YOU WALKING MY DIRECTION I GO THE OTHER OTHER WAY... I laugh as the rest of the guys walk out the front door into the kitchen wedding the same thing but in red


the boys hype him up and he points at me as he starts to pull an imaginary rope at me I laugh and give in dancing towards him he smiles and grabs my hand kissing my cheek we both belt out our favorite part

"You're ALWAYS ON MY MIND when you come AROUND I GET SHYYY ... WHEN I SEEE YOU WHEN I SEE YOUUU" We all belt out our voices cracking on you causing us all to bust out into laughter

Killian looks at me cheesing hard handing me a box "whats-" "just open it baby girl" he says cutting me off and I nod and open the box a tear comes down my cheek

I look inside the box with a framed picture of me and all the guys and on the top it says, family

"Never in my life would I have thought I'd be getting a gift from a mafia" I laugh hugging Killian

"You are our queen we'd do anything for you," one of the guys in the mafia says as they all bow down to me, and Killian also bows winking at me

I blush and laugh "thank you all this is wonderful I just-" I feel more tears come down my face not knowing what to say

Ax comes up to me and hugs me "just know your our family and will always be loyal to you"

Authors note:

I know this took long I was having writer's block 😭

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