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A/N Okay so I know everyone does these. But I wanted to do one from the perspective of a Doctor Who fan but not a die hard one. Don't get me wrong, I love the show! I'm just not as hard core as some people. And I love those people trust me they are awesome! I just can't be one of them :( sadly, anyway hope you enjoy my list! And if you think of something that you want added please feel free to comment and I will put it in and dedicate it to you!


1. The day a Doctor Who special is going to be on or an episode you plan your whole day around it so you wont miss a single second of it.

2. When you see any statue you watch it till you can't anymore, especially if its an angel statue!

3. You know what TARDIS stands for (Time And Relative Dimension In Space) and you actually understand what it means.

4. You think that tall, skinny, kinda funny looking guys are sexy.

5. When you heard that students at Columbia University had made there very own Sonic Screwdriver, you fangirl screamed like there was no tomorrow. Even if the thing is a foot long and as big as a house, just the thought of being able to own one is so awesome!

6. You write Doctor Who Fanfictions

7. You pray every night before you go to bed that the TARDIS will be sitting in your bedroom when you wake up ready to wisk you away to time and space.

8. When you see a Time Travel movie and the science behind it is different than that of Doctor Who you screem at the TV declaring they are wrong.

9. Your ultimate dream is to build a time machine one day and travel space and time, if the Doctor is going to snub you theres no stopping you from doing it yourself.

10. You dream of one day being cast as the Doctor's new companion, even if you suck at acting, (Not to brag, but I don't which is good for me!)

11. You were a little mad at first when Matt Smith replaced David Tennant as the Doctor, and were determined not to like him, but you ended up liking him anyway.

12. You want to go to ComicCom just to see the Doctor Who cast!

13. When people say the world will never end, you say to them "Yea it won't so long as the Doctor saves it."

14. You know that Matt Smith used to play football and wanted to become a professional, till an injury crushed his dreams.

15. You are jealous of River Song because she gets the Doctor all to herself now :(

16. When you see a guy who would make a perfect Doctor Who, you walk up and tell him that staright to his face.

17. When you meet a nonwhovian who says they don't like Doctor Who you feel the sudden urge to slap them, hooray for you if you actually do!

18. You wear tennee shoes all the time, so that way if the Doctor shows up your ready to run!

19. You call those little silver ball sprinkles 'Edible ball bearings' because thats what the Doctor calls them.

20. You freaked when the Doctor didn't light the torch at the 2012 Olympics, and sat down to write hate mail to whoever is in charge of the Olympics.

A/N Okay so thats all I have for right now, I'm sure I will think of some more, and if you guys think of any just let me know and I will put it in! Thanks for reading!


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