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A/N Okay so here's another ten things that make you a whovian! I am getting some great feeback on this list and am really happy about it! Its so much fun for me to read all of your comments and hear all of your favorites! Makes my day! So in return I will keep adding to this list when I can think of stuff so long as you all keep reading and giving your suggestions!


31. You know that Matt Smith wrote fan-fictions of him playing the Doctor before he became an actor! This was given to me by EasierToRun who is a faithful reader and commenter on this little list of mine!

32. If asked which Doctor you would kiss given the chance, you say you couldn't decide you want to kiss all of them. But it's a strong toss up between 10 and 11!

33. When having a convo between another DW fan who doesnt like Doctor romance, you ask if given the chance would they kiss the Doctor and they go HELL YA! That is a true story btw, I would never say hell ya except when quoting someone, and she didnt really say hell ya! But it was close to that!

34. You tried to hold back the tears when Amy and Rory where taken by The Angels, but as soon as you got to you're room you cried you're eyes out.

35. You love River, but if the Doctor was real and you were in love with him, you secretely would want her to die asap so you could have him all to yourself. Given a certain grace period for grieving of course.

36. When you hear that Matt Smith is single, you do a happy dance cause that means that if you happen to meet him randomly on the street you may actually have a chance!

37. You want to take a whole day and walk around introducing yourself as The Doctor and see what people say.

38. You only know one word in French and thats Allons-y!

39. You're favorite color is TARDIS Blue

40. You think British accents are the sexiest ones on the planet!

Okay all! There's another 10! Hope you enjoyed, I'm running out of ideas very quickly for this, so I need help! Please if any of you have one that you want to include on this list please lemme know! Allons-y!


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