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A/N Here's another ten things that let you know your a Whovian. I've gotten a few suggestions, not many but a few and I will include who gave me these after I put them in. Anyway I hope you enjoy the next ten! And once again if any of you have any suggestions please just either comment on this page or send me a message on my message board and I will make sure it gets in the next ten!


21. When you write a Doctor Who fanfic, instead of new companions you write about different Time Lords. This was given to me by Speedy_Girl, a whovian and an awesome girl to hit with ideas for your fanfics!

22. You find reasons to say Allonsy! Any chance you get.

23. You know that David Tennant Changed his name when he first started acting.

24. You watch Top Gear because they always interview the cast of Doctor Who! Mainly the Doctor, but the do other members of the cast as well.

25. You know for a fact that if you ever met any of the guys that have played the Doctor, past or present, you would swoon just in the hopes that they would catch you.

26. When you saw Skyfall, you couldn't help but compare the new Q to the Doctor. If you haven't seen Skyfall Q looks like he could have auditioned along side Matt Smith for the role of the Doctor!

27. You know that David Tennant is married to the woman who played his daughter. And that they have kids of their own.

28. You think bow ties are cool!

29. When someone wants you to tell them a secret, you give them your sexiest smile and say "Spoilers!"

30. You want there to be an episode where they have an adventure inside the TARDIS so you can see the rest of it, especially the swimming pool!

A/N Okay guys! So I finally had another ten to post! Hope you all enjoy these. I only got one suggestion for this next section, I hope for more cause otherwise I'm gonna run out of stuff to put down! So suggestions are wanted and very helpful!


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