I love the way you lie CHAPTER 12

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Did you miss me guys? Of course you did, I'm fabulous 8-) :D

Oh my God my teacher almost caught me....Yeah I'm posting in school :P

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For a change, the following four days went by in a pretty unspectacular manner. I was mostly engaged in the business of pitying myself, eating all of April’s hidden sweets and blaming it on Annie and watching Pretty Little Liars.

It was quite depressing how little the outer world affected me anymore. I didn’t even have the energy to, like, change my clothes or shower. My unpleasant odor wasn’t of any significance to me but April went pretty insane about the whole affair after a while.

“Get out of your bed and get into the shower. Now” She ordered, pulling my blanket off of me while Annie pulled up the blinds.

“No” I whined, hiding my face under one of my pillows. “Too much light!”

“No one is going to be able to prevent sun from granting us its luminosity” Annie answered patiently as she disappeared into the bathroom to prepare a bath for me. “I think we’re going to have to go with more than one bath-bomb this time. It won’t be easy to wash away that smell”

“You guys are rude” I complained, slowly getting up. “Why don’t you just leave me die in here?”

“Because you need to go to work today. You’re going to be in deep shit if you cancel on Kyle again” April replied, impatiently pulling me into the bathroom where she proceeded to take my clothes off.

“You’re probably right”

Well, of course she was. Every other employer would have thrown me out a long while ago. It was thanks to Kyle’s generosity that I still had a job.

Before I got into the bath tub I took a quick glance into the mirror, flinching at my own sight. Now, to say that I looked horrible would be an understatement. My hair was as greasy as it could possibly get, my eyes were puffy to the point where some people might argue that they didn’t resemble the usual human eye anymore and I was paler than Voldemort.

But it was not only my outer appearance that made me kind of sad. I knew that my outer appearance was still beautiful compared to what I looked on the inside. It was piteous and ridiculous to think that I had let myself get to this point because of a man I barely knew. It had taken him one kiss to destroy my self-respect and the saddest thing was that he had most probably done it to get back at his fiancée. Just like for every other man I could never be more than a distraction to him.

 “I’m such a mess, right?” I said, smiling at my two best friends who were now patiently waiting for me to gather my thoughts.

“Not more than everyone else in this messed up reality” April replied ever so honestly.

 “Hope Evans shows up to work? There must have been an earth shattering incident” Kyle greeted as I walked towards the changing rooms.

“Miracles do actually exist, young grasshopper” I grinned as I slammed the door behind me. I heard him mutter something about ungrateful brats before I was left entirely alone with a wide range of stripper clothes. Under usual circumstances I wouldn’t have bothered looking at them. Ignorance was my forte and my best friend. And it helped me stay sane through everything.

Needless to say that Blake Riviera had somehow managed to change even that. My breath caught in my throat as I subconsciously reached for the clothes, lightly touching the fabric. Over the course of the years I had worn every single one of them at least once. Every single one of them was part of my lie.

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