Part 20

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I started to explain to Timo why I was convinced Chad had been embezzling money from Pure Threads, but Timo cut me off.

"Before we get into that," said Timo, "there's something else about Chad you should probably know."

I suppose there was no way for Timo to break it to me that Chad was trying to sell his half of the business behind my back without admitting to having done more than a little cyberstalking.

I'd done the same, only my curiosity about Timo hadn't led me down any dark rabbit holes. I didn't know whether to be disconcerted or grateful that Timo had gone to such lengths on my behalf. He'd negotiated Chad into a corner, but now that he had Chad cornered, not one of us—Timo, Rob, nor I—had any idea what to do next.

I tried to appear unfazed by the news that my business partner had been trying to bail on me behind my back, but it was not a welcome development.

"How did you leave things with Chad?" I asked. "Do you think he really believes you intend to pay him cash under the table and take over his half of the business?"

"We're supposed to meet on Friday afternoon in a coffee shop and complete the transaction."

"We're supposed to be leaving for the Redwoods Friday afternoon," I pointed out.

Timo said he didn't see how that was relevant right now. Rob said the gravity of the situation didn't seem to have sunk in yet with me. Timo told Rob not to blame me and pointed out that Chad was not only my business partner. Up until relatively recently, he'd been a lot more than that. Timo said he could understand how I was having a hard time reconciling the Chad I'd loved and trusted with the Chad who was cheating me blind and possibly setting me up to take the fall for it.

Timo was right about most of that, all except the part about Chad being someone I'd loved. I hadn't loved Chad. I had trusted him, up to a point, anyway. I certainly hadn't believed Chad was capable of stealing from me.

"Are you two done discussing me amongst yourselves, or shall I leave the room so you can say what you really mean?" I finally said to anyone who would listen.

"Sorry, Bianca," said Rob. "But I think he's right."

"My apologies, Bianca," said Timo. "But, Rob's right."

"I see. Two against one."

"Actually, three against one," said Rob. "We're both on your side."

It didn't feel like it, but I knew it was true.

"I don't know what to do next," I said.

"You need to consult a lawyer, Bianca," said Rob.

"A team of lawyers," Timo added.

"You really think so?"

"Yes!" Rob and Timo both said at the same time.

"I can suggest several good ones," Timo said, pulling out his phone. "I'll text you their contact information."

On the way downstairs, I was waylaid by a couple of miniature matchmakers.

"We have something to tell you!" Franny announced.

"We've decided," said Marta.

Morty hovered in the background, a gummy worm hanging out of the corner of his mouth. He'd been sucking on the worm for so long that the green dye had tinted his lower lip, making him look a little goulish.

"What have you decided?" I asked.

Franny motioned for me to bend down, then whispered in my ear. "We've decided you and Mr. Timo should get married."

Stuck With You: A Sweet Romantic ComedyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora