Dance With Me

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~Woah it's been like two months but here have another one-shot that's completely lacking in plot but chock full of pointless fluff WOO. Also this one's all omnipresent again k~

It was the stupidest little fight. Cas couldn't even remember what it had been about, and he wasn't even mad anymore, but he was still too stubborn to apologize first. Especially since he had told Dean he refused to talk to him, to which Dean had replied "Fine, don't." and they had spent the rest of the evening in silence. They'd gone to sleep without a word, laying on opposite sides of the bed, though neither actually got any sleep. Around 3:00 AM Cas gave up altogether and went to the kitchen in search of coffee or hot chocolate.

Dean felt the bed shift as Cas left the room, but didn't look up until he was sure he was gone. Then Dean lifted himself into a sitting position and stared at the half open doorway, listening to the quiet sound of Cas in the kitchen. This wasn't the first little squabble they'd had, it'd be something dumb that they'd forge about the next day, but right now Dean didn't want to wait until tomorrow to forget about this. He couldn't remember what the fight had been about either, and it was 3:00 AM and he just wanted to go to sleep with Cas in his arms like he was supposed to be.

Dean stood up and walked quietly to the kitchen, grabbing his phone from the bedside table as he got up.

Cas had managed to get a coffee mug out of the cabinet and set it on the counter, but then he just stood and stared at it. he knew Dean wasn't really mad at him, and he wasn't really mad at Dean, and he just wanted to forget about it now.

As if in answer to his thoughts, just then Dean walked into the kitchen. They glanced at each other for a moment before Dean set his phone on the counter and it started playing soft music, then Dean turned around and pulled Cas into his arms.

"I dunno if you're still not talking to me," Dean said quietly, " but you don't have to say anything, just... dance with me."

Cas wrapped his arms around Dean's neck and closed his eyes, burying his face in his shoulder.

Dean sighed contentedly as the familiar warmth of Cas's closeness spread through him. They swayed slightly to the rythm of the song, barely hearing the words and instead listening to the others gentle breathing and steady heart beat.

After a moment Dean said quietly, "Hey, I know that was a dumb fight, and that it didn't really mean anything, but I'm sorry, okay?"

Cas pulled back for a moment to look at him. Dean was looking at him with a quiet sort of imploring. Cas shook his head slightly.

"Just shut up and dance with me." he said gently, burying his head in Dean's shoulder again, but Dean could feel Cas's soft smile against his skin.

He felt his own lips tug upwards at the corners, and he began to hum quietly as they swayed to the song.

A minute or so later the song ended, and they stood in silence, just holding each other. Eventually Cas pressed a gentle kiss to Dean's neck, then his jaw, then his mouth, where he lingered for a moment.

"We're both idiots." he murmured against his lips. 

"Mhmm," Dean replied, before pushing his lips agasinst Cas's again. Thet kissed softly, for minutes or maybe hours, Cas's hands moved to hold Dean's face and tangle in his hair, Dean's arms holding Cas close. Dean smiled softly against Cas's lips.

"What are you smiling about?" Cas asked, resting his forehead against Dean's.

"I was just thinking about how much I love you." Dean replied. Cas opened his eyes, smiling back at him.

"I do love you, Cas. I love you so much, and I don't say it nearly as often as I should."

"You don't have to, because I know." Cas said softly "I love you too."

It was such a simple phrase, that held so much un-spoken meaning of all the care and trust between them, a profound bond stronger then words can describe. But they shared their private smile, since they knew how much those simple words meant. 

"Let's go to bed, it's late and I'm exhausted." Cas said, pulling Dean towards the door.

They left Cas's mug and Dean's phone on the counter and went to bed, any memories of the argument's existance gone, and amidst gentle kisses and soft murmurs of "I love you" they fell into a peaceful sleep.


Idk this one is so insanely cheesy though. It's so cheesy my sister would be allergic to it. Idk how I feel about this one tbh. Well here it is anyway xD

Okay so semi-serious question time, is there really anyone reading these? Like I've got 300 something reads now (which is hella awesome) but only a few comments and even those aren't consistantly the same people on every chapter so... idk I guess I'm just curious if there's anyone who particularly wants me to keep doing these, cos like when I get into a fic I comment like seventeen times on every chapter but maybe that's just me LMAO. I mean I'm taking like eight thousand years to update anyway but is there anyone that actually cares if I do or not :\ 


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