Happily Ever After

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~My chapter titles are still boring

HELLO EVERYONE I HAVE RETURNED yes I know I said I'd update every week and then promptly dropped off the face of wattpad, I'M SO SORRY I'M TERRIBLE AND YOU CAN ALL SEND ME ONE VIRTUAL BITCHSLAP EACH

Accept for @mishaisakitten, who can send me two because I said I'd write you this prompt like thREE WEEKS AGO AND I DIDN'T DO IT UNTIL NOW I'M SORRY

anyway from now on I'm going to TRY V HARD to update regularly and for every week I miss you can send me ANOTHER virtual bitchslap. That should be a good enough incentive to get me to write more.

ok so ME HAVING COMMITMENT ISSUES ASIDE I deviated from the prompt a little, I hope you don't mind :) It actually came out fluffier without really any angst (which is very backwards for me) but it still is vaguely based off the sunset photos, which I'm still freaking out about especially cos ANGEL HEART IS TOMORROW HOLY SHIT ok I'll shut up now ENJOY THE ONE-SHOT~

Dean looked out over the crystal blue waves rising up out of the ocean before crashing back down again, adding to the comforting rumble of sea-side sounds. Sam was lying next to him on a blanket, snoring softly. This was probably the first time he'd slept in over 48 hours, he deserved a good long rest. On Dean's other side was Cas, looking out over the water with a calm, happy expression. He was leaning back on his hands with his legs stretched out in front of him, his trench coat and suit jacket in a heap beside him and the sleeves of his white button down rolled up to his elbows; despite having finally got his grace back, Dean couldn't help but think how human he looked.

Dean was still expecting to wake up at any moment. Everything seemed so surreal, removing the mark, defeating Metatron; and now he was on a beach with his brother and his best friend, exactly where he had said he wanted to go. This definitely wasn't real, Dean Winchester didn't get what he wanted that easily and with no strings attached. Granted, removing the mark hadn't been easy per se, but it seemed the "Happily Ever Afters" in Dean's life always came with a "but" tacked on the end, (usually a fairly apocalyptic one) but if everything was as it seemed, the Winchester's would be problem-free for the foreseeable future. No, this couldn't possibly be real- and yet here he was. 

Dean looked back over at Cas to find the angel's eyes already on him. He coughed awkwardly and looked away. Cas dropped his gaze, slightly disappointedly. As Dean looked out over the sea again, he resisted the urge to look back at Cas. He caught himself thinking how the angel's eyes were far bluer then the ocean before him. 

The calm serenity between them had suddenly turned into an awkward silence. Cas felt like he should say something, apologize for staring at Dean, or offer an explanation as to why he was. The problem was, he didn't really have a good reason, other then that he just liked looking at him. Especially now, with the mark gone, Cas could physically see the weight that had been lifted off Dean's shoulders. He looked so much happier now, the thought brought a familiar soaring feeling to Cas' chest, a feeling he had come to associate with Dean.

Cas chanced a glance back over at him. Dean was frowning slightly now, and Cas looked away, angry with himself for ruining Dean's good mood.

A moment later Dean glanced at Cas, to see him staring determinedly away from Dean, looking slightly dejected. Dean wondered if Cas was disappointed that he had looked away when he caught Cas looking at him, and mentally hit himself. Dean opened his mouth, and closed it, then opened it again, then closed it. What was he trying to say? There were a million things that Dean wanted to say to him, that Dean had always wanted to say to him; but now, as he was being faced with the perfect opportunity to say them all, his throat dried up and he couldn't get a single word out. He let out a small huff of annoyance and felt Cas' eyes flick towards him briefly. 

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