Just Some Crops

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"Ash, hurry up!" My brother Merry urged, running through the field of crops with arms full of carrots, potatoes, corn and the likes. "I'm trying to carry two pumpkins and some potatoes, let me be!" I retorted, sprinting as fast as my hobbit legs could carry me.

Merry, Pippin and I had "borrowed" a few things from Farmer Maggot's crops, and were running back home again, in a crazy mixture of fear, laughter, adrenaline and yelling. Lots of yelling.

Pippin ran up beside me. "Try to keep up!" He laughed, speeding off in the direction of Merry and I's hobbit hole. "You little Took!" I screamed, trying hard to catch up to him without dropping any stolen food. As Pippin turned his head to see if I was falling behind or not, I increased my running speed, whizzing past him.

"You're a cheater Ash. I was distracted." Pippin said, trying to catch his breath as we all slowed to a stop outside the hobbit hole. "Oh, and how is my last name an insult may I ask?" Pippin continued and walked inside the hobbit hole to set down some of the food.

"She shouldn't have to explain why. It just is, Pip." Merry smiled, plopping himself down in a chair with some food. I giggled at the two and sat down in a chair as well. "I must say that was fun." I commented happily, nibbling at a carrot.

Finding a third chair, Pippin nodded. "Agreed. I'm still a bit out of breath though..." He replied. I smiled mockingly at him. "Maybe you should lay off the potatoes then Pippin, that wasn't even a very long way." I teased. "Hilarious, Ash." He said, taking a wooden smoking pipe out from one of his pockets.

Of course, as soon as we all started to get cozy, sitting at the table eating, drinking, smoking and such, one of the hobbit children burst through the front door. "Gandalf, Gandalf! He's here for Mr. Bilbo's birthday party!" The hobbit child shrieked in happiness. A wide grin crossed over my face. I picked up a bit more food and made my way outside with Merry and Pippin.

"Gandalf hasn't visited in ages!" I said with glee. "Yep," Pippin replied. "Now we can find some of his fireworks and put on a real show at the birthday party tonight, yeah?" At that, I practically jumped up and down in bliss.

Merry, Pippin and I immiediatly started dreaming up insane fireworks that Gandalf might of had, walking quickly to the spot where Bilbo's birthday party was already begining to be set up. "This is going to be so much fun." Merry grinned. I nodded excidedly.

I don't think any of us could hardly wait until the party.

A/N: Herro, thank you so friggen much for reading! I know this chapter is short and a bit boring, but I swear, it gets better and the chapters become longer! Again, thank you for reading, it means the universe to me!

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