Fireworks And Dishes

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Darkness was just beginning to creep up upon the sky, drowning out the pink and orange stained clouds. Several tents had already been set up for Bilbo's party, surrounded by wooden tables and chairs with food and drinks everywhere. Most guests were already crowding the place. "Hey look, a stage...It's made for me and my banjo!" Pippin smiled.

"Focus Took, we have work to do." I replied, scanning the loud party for the grand fireworks Gandalf had brought. "I wouldn't call it work, Ash. Oh, found them!" Pippin said, climbing onto a huge wagon, full to the brim with fireworks. Yet again, a sly smile crossed my lips. "This is so fun!"

At that point, everyone in the shire had found a place somewhere at the party, whether dancing, stuffing their faces, talking or just wandering around, drunk as could be. "No no no, big one big one!" Merry told Pippin, as Pippin was rolling around in the wagon, finding the coolest looking firework he could.

Suddenly Pippin appeared from the pile of fireworks, holding a ginormous red one. "Oh my gosh, that's perfect!" I said happily, trying to keep my voice relatively low so Gandalf wouldn't notice.

"Come on then, let's set it up!" Merry grinned like a madman. The three of us had to run and hide in one of the tents as Gandalf was passing by. Pippin stuck the firework into the grass beneath the tent. "You're supposed to put it in the ground!" Merry scolded.

Pippin rolled his eyes slightly as he replied "It is in the ground!" The two hobbits pushed the lit firework back and forth between eachother. "Outside!" "It was your idea!" The firework exploded, spiraling up into the air, pulling the tent up with it. Pippin let out a girlish yell of fright as we were each covered from head to toe in dark black soot.

We all had our hair sticking straight up, adding to the ridiculous look we had gained. I cracked a smile as the firework erupted in bright color, most likely mentally scarring most of the other hobbits. "That was good!" Merry laughed. "Let's get another one." Pippin agreed. I laughed slightly. "Sounds good."

Then Merry and Pippin groaned in pain, and I turned to see Gandalf pinching their ears. "Meriadock and Ashlyn Brandybuck, and Peregrin Took! I might have known!" Gandalf frowned at us, and pushed me along as he held onto Merry and Pippin's ears.

Gandalf forced us to clean up plates and other dishes of the sort, still coated in soot. "That was amazing. You messed it up though Pippin!" Merry scolded, washing a filthy mug. Pippin rolled his eyes "Well you could have helped a little more, all you did was stand there!" He retorted. "Oh hush," I said, "It was fun reguardless."

After putting down a now cleaned plate, I tried in vain to wipe the black soot out of my deep blue eyes and fix my dark hair. My eyes were the only physical thing I had in common with Merry, though he was my brother. My long, messy brown hair was so different than his lighter, curly hair. And my face was softer and more set straight, rather than the crooked jaw Merry had.

I continued washing and drying dishes with Merry and Pippin, quietly making conversation and idly listening to Bilbo's speech. That is, until he disappeared in front of our eyes and off the stage, followed by gasps from most hobbits. "What...?"

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