Dark Woods

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Five hopelessly naive hobbits in a dark, never ending forest at night. Not exactly the best situation. We were exhausted, but pushed on, running through the woods to get away from the terrible hooded figures that chased us on horseback.

At long last, after hours and hours of running, we stopped to hide behind a tall tree. My breathing was heavy as I tried to let myself calm down. "Anything?" Sam asked, looking at Frodo, who's eyes were scanning the area. "Nothing."

"What is going on?" Pippin asked from beside me, a scared look still plastered over his face. His small, innocent face..."That black rider was looking for something...Or someone. Frodo?" Merry asked, getting near Frodo so he was sure to get an answer from the hobbit.

Sam's face grew worried. "Get down!" He motioned for us to duck to the ground and we followed his command, spotting on of the hooded riders. I'm sure my eyes were huge, as I crouched near to the grass, paralyzed in fear. The black rider seemed to leave our sight, but none of us were reassured.

"I have to leave the Shire. Sam and I must get to Bree." Frodo's grave voice said, his face looking as terrified as the rest of us. Merry nodded, putting on a brave expression. "Right, Bucklebury ferry. Follow me." He informed, starting to lead Frodo and Sam to the raft.

I knew Merry was just pretending to be confident and unafraid of the black riders. Him being my brother, I knew his every attribute. He was no-doubt braver than the average hobbit, but sometimes, on the inside, he was just a frail little kid, in a world too big for him.

As Merry led the way the the ferry on a scarcely visible dirt path, a second hooded figure appears on the road ahead. I paused for just a moment before turning on my heel and running the other way, with Merry, Pippin, and Sam ahead of me.

I jump over a short wooden fence, nearing the ferry. The other hobbits had already hopped onto the raft, awaiting just Frodo and I. But Frodo was still far behind me. I tripped on a stray tree root, making my fear grow stronger, if possible. I caught myself, thankfully, and kept on running until I was able to jump onto the raft.

Pippin reached for my hand and held it tightly, Merry looking the other way. Frodo became visiable, running towards us on the ferry. My heart pounded harshly against the inside of my chest as I watched in fear, a black rider advancing upon little Frodo.

"Get the rope Sam!" Merry ordered, Frodo still running for his life. Merry and Sam each uncoiled a rope, the raft starting to leave the dock. Pippin unwillingly lets go of my hand and grabs an oar, pushing the ferry off into the shining water.

We all screamed at the top of our lungs, calling our for Frodo. The hooded rider was on his heels, not letting up, just gaining more and more ground. "Jump Frodo!" I screamed, just before he leaps onto the raft, which was growing apart from the dock.

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