In A Corn Field

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It's safe to say that everyone's mind was blown. No one had any idea how Bilbo had disappeared right in front of us. Most people stayed at the party reguardless, just Gandalf and Frodo leaving, most likely to discover where Bilbo had gone. "I'm I seeing things? What just happened?" I asked, turning to Merry and Pippin.

They both shrugged, shaking their heads slightly. "I have no idea. It was weird." Pippin replied. At that point it was growing very late, nearly midnight I would say. "Do you think we can slip away and go home for some rest?" I said. Merry nodded. "Yeah, I'd say so. We should get up early tomorrow and go back to Farmer Maggot's crop, he's having quite a plentiful harvest this year." He smiled.

~Time skip~

We did indeed go straight to sleep in our cozy hobbit beds, plain exhausted from everything we'd done that day. And I had a very peaceful rest beneath my warm covers, that is until I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.

Merry had jumped on top of me in an effort to wake me up. "Ow! You stupid hobbit boy!" I screamed, pushing him off me and covering my head with my feather pillow. "We have crops to steal, Ash!" He laughed, obviously quite pleased with himself as he crossed his arms. I shifted my pillow so I could see out a minuscule hole. "I don't wanna get up. Can't we sleep in today?"

"No, no we cannot! Unless you want to be jumped on again, you'll get up, sis!" Merry commanded, leaving my small room. I groaned before slowly rising out of my bed to get dressed in a sky blue blouse and colorless pants. I made a quick effort to fix up my bed head, but then decided I didn't really care.

After getting dressed, I left my room and walked out to the main room where Merry sat eating an apple from yesterday's little heist. I picked up some bread that I'd bought from the market the night before. "You can wake me up a little nicer next time, ok Merry?" I said between mouthfuls of bread.

"One, that would be no fun. Two, you would hibernate if I tried that." Merry replied with a sideways grin, finishing his abundant breakfast. "You're impossible." I rolled my eyes at him.

After breakfast, Merry and I made a mad dash for the fields around Farmer Maggot's crops, where we usually met Pippin. And, as always, he stood there with a sly smile, knowing he was about to fetch a feast of vegetables

Pippin's eyes lit up as he saw Merry and I running towards the meeting spot. "Hello, Took." I greeted with a smirk. "Hello Brandybuck." Pippin replied. "If you two are done, let's go get some second breakfast!" Merry said, already rushing into the sea of corn stalks, potatoes and carrots.

"I'll get some corn!" I yelled, chasing after Merry. "I call carrots!" Merry called back to me. "Aww, I wanted to get some carrots! Fine then, I'll stock up on potatoes, and maybe some cabbage!" Pippin made sure to yell as he ran through the crops, passing me and catching up to Merry.

We kept running through the seemingly endless maze of vegetables, until Pippin hurled himself through some corn, dissappearing. "Mushrooms!" Puzzled, Merry followed, as did I. "Frodo?" Pippin said loudly all of a sudden. "Merry! Look it's Frodo Baggins!" Pippin had practically tackled Frodo to the ground by accident.

"Hello Frodo." Merry greeted, carrying his pile of vegetables. I waved with my free hand. "Hey Frodo. Sam." I smiled. "Get off him!" Sam yelled, roughly pulling Pippin off of Frodo. Frodo looked confused. "What's the meaning of this?" He asked, not very phased. "Hold this." Merry said before shoving some of his gathered vegetables into Sam's arms.

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