moving on, letting go

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again, from a prompt that i heavily adjusted. 


"Incoming trauma! Thirty year old female who was rear ended on the 95. No damage was done except for the fact that she was in active labor. They're bringing her here now. Page L&D, and get a room ready!" Doctor Miranda Bailey shouts, her booming voice heard by everyone in the ER. Interns scuttle around, trying to fulfill their bosses wishes at her beck and call. She may not be the chief, but she sure seemed like she was. She had the ability to command anyone in the room, and never took no for an answer. Taking over the ER that day wasn't something that she had planned, but both Hunt and Kepner had come down with something nasty and she was the only surgeon available.

It was only a few minutes later when the gurney comes rolling in, carrying a pretty brunette who was wincing through her contractions, gripping the handle bars so tightly her knuckles were turning white.

Izzie Stevens rushes over to her, as for she was the on-call OB, following the gurney into a room. She snaps on a pair of gloves, brushing a stray piece of blonde hair out of her eyes. "Hi there, I'm Doctor Stevens. I'm gonna lift up your shirt so we can make sure your baby isn't in distress. Is that okay..." she trails off, pulling the ultrasound closer to the gurney and grabs the jelly, shaking it as both a way to prepare it and stall some time while she waited for a response.

"Doctor Wilson," the girl in the bed answers, nose scrunching up as she feels another swift kick to the ribs. "Sorry—" she stutters a laugh, "Habit." she answers "Jo. Jo Wilson. But I am a doctor, so no need to give me all the watered down crap."

Izzie gives the woman a sincere smile, appreciating the upfrontness. "Good to know Doctor Wilson." She lifts up the woman's shirt, squirting on the ultrasound jelly, smearing it around until the woman's stomach is properly covered. She moves the wand around until the heartbeat thumps through the monitor. "Steady and strong. You're very lucky Doctor Wilson. I'm gonna send you up to L&D now, but I'll be sure to be there to monitor you." she adds some notes into her tablet before turning back to Jo. "Is there anyone you would like to call? Are you waiting on the father or are you doing this independently?" she asks, peeling off her gloves and dumping them in the bin.

Jo shakes her head, loose curls flying back and forth. "No my—" she's cut off by another contraction, and she lets out a large, staggering breath as she clenches her eyes shut, waiting for it to pass, and it does twenty-three seconds later. "My boyfriend is on his way."

Izzie nods, "Well, we'll get you set up and I'll be up in a few minutes so I can check your cervix Doctor Wilson." she says, getting closer to the door, ready to assess another pregnant mother.

"Thank you. And please, if you're going to be looking up my vagina, you can call me Jo." she grins, her voice taking a teasing undertone.

The blonde gives a small chuckle, her ponytail shaking as she moves her head back and forth. "Will do Jo."

She turns out of the room and uses the stairs to take her to the L&D floor, where the sound of expecting mothers in labor couldn't be missed. She checks on a few patients, seeing how far they had advanced while she had momentarily stepped away. Not too long after she enters a new room, where Jo was glaring at a spot in an empty corner, trying to get through yet another contraction.

When Jo sees the woman enter, she lets out a low laugh. "I swear, if he doesn't get here soon I am going to murder him with my bare hands." she says, only half serious.

The blonde laughs, shaking her head fondly. "Is he close?" she asks, putting on yet another pair of gloves, this time pink.

"Thankfully," she sighs. "This baby wasn't supposed to come for another two weeks. My boyfriend has a conference here at UDub, and he told me so many times that I can't go but of course I fought him on it, because I can't sleep if he's not next to me and neither can the baby. I realized about five hours in that I made a stupid mistake, because I had to pee every thirty minutes, and I was sure my boyfriend wanted to toss me out of the car. He didn't though, because he loves me way too much. Thank god. So he cancelled his flight and quite literally drove across the country with me so that I can sleep at night, and now I'm going into labor two weeks early, while he's at a lecture." Jo rambles, not letting out a single breath until she was done.

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