Spin The Bottle - Part 2

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had an anon on tumblr ask me to do a part two of this... so here it is!



Jo Wilson sat in her latest foster home's room on the edge of her dingy bed, one with a cheap metal base one that probably cost a maximum of fifty dollars, quickly packing up her school bag for the day. It was Monday now. Two days since the party. Two days since spin the bottle. Two days since that kiss with Alex Karev.

Well, less like a kiss, more like a near pornographic make out session.

She couldn't get that kiss out of her head. She'd kissed guys before. She had boyfriends that were great kissers. But Alex Karev? Now she could understand why Leah was so hung up on him. Along with Heather. And Stacy. And Tina, Irene, and Susan. And she had never even had sex with him.

Wow, he had already slept with all of her friends huh?

The girl gets rid of the thoughts quickly, deciding that they weren't worth her time. Of course Alex Karev was a good kisser. He had to be, considering he had slept with so many women in the school even he had most likely lost count. He wouldn't have been able to sleep with them all if he was a terrible kisser. Nobody would get with him in bed if he couldn't kiss women in a way that made them... desire him. His reputation did do him justice though.

Because damn, could he kiss.

She huffs angrily as she shoves a black spiral notebook into her backpack, cursing at herself internally.

No, she would not be another one of those girls. She would not be another one of the (frankly countless) women that had fallen for Alex Karev. She would not be another person who had succumbed to his good looks and charm and slept with him. Absolutely not. She was smart. She didn't do one night stands. She was only seventeen and had two serious boyfriends. She didn't want to be another of Alex Karev's one nighters. She was better than that.

With that, she slings the bag over her shoulder and makes her way down the hallway, walking by the passed out foster dad with an empty beer bottle hanging limply from his hand and the foster mom smoking a cigarette on the beat up back porch, rocking back and forth on the rotten wood swing that she hoped would just fall already. Then she wouldn't have to listen to the annoying sound of the metal screeching every time the god damn swing moved.

But it still sucked. Because the boy was still occupying her thoughts. The feeling of his lips on hers, his hands working up her sides...

Nope, no more. No more thinking about him and how she would just be another one to fall into bed with him.

So, screw Alex Karev. Screw him and his ability to kiss like a freakin god.

Turns out, her mind truly did not want to forget about the man from the party.


She slams her dark green locker shut, letting out a small yawn as she pushes the lock back into place, dialing the knob back to zero. Before she can even begin to grasp the situation, none other than Alex Karev is leaning against the locker next to hers, a crooked smirk painted on his lips.

"Go out with me." he says.

Jo widens her eyes, but composes herself quickly. Was this guy for real? She didn't even hear him ask to go out with him. He stated it. Who does that?

What an asshole.

"What makes you think I wanna go out with you?" she asks, raising a brow as she watches his face fall slightly, some of his confidence going out the window. Ah, she got it. It was an act. He wasn't as confident as he made himself out to be. It was crazy how much she could learn about somebody from a single question.

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