Chapter 12 The Party

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(Warning :dirty texting)

The next morning Daiki had already left before the girls woke up

Akemi:*checks her alarm clock*Oh shit Haru* throws a pillow hitting Haru square in the face*

Haru:*jolts awake* Akemi what the hell

Akemi: Get up or we're going to be late for school

Haru: What happened to the alarm

Akemi: well with all that happened last night I forgot all about it

Haru: oh yeah too busy cuddling up to Daiki to even remember to set the alarm you naughty girl

Akemi: shut up and get ready

After they both have showered (Akemi in her bathroom and Haru in the bathroom down the hall) and dressed they head downstairs

Akemi: morning mom ,aunt Jade

Jade : good morning my dear niece how was sleeping in my future hubby's arms last night

AM: oh Jade please don't tease her

Jade: come down Sara Just making a little morning joke

AM:Anyway you girls hurry and eat then head out to the car i'll drive you to school

Akemi: Thanks mom

Haru: yeah thanks Mrs.H

After the have eaten they head out to the car and are off to school

At the school before first period

???: Hey Akemi Haru you guys coming to my party tonight right

Haru: Hell yeah Jacob The party of the year we wouldn't miss it

Jacob: great can't wait to see you guys there * winks at Akemi before walking off*

(A/N: uh oh in walks Daiki love rival let's see how this plays out)

Haru: Oh my god that guy so totally likes you 

Akemi: wow thanks Haru like that isn't obvious he frickin' winked at me

Haru: Daiki isn't gonna be happy about that

Akemi: Don't pretend that you didn't hear him an aunt Jade last night I'm not even considered a threat

Haru: boy oh boy you are so wrong

Akemi: what is that supposed to mean

Haru: Nope not touching that one

The bell rings and they head in to start class

Akemi: Save by the bell literally

Haru: yay for high school bells now if only they didn't signal the start of class

Akemi: you are something else

They head in and take their seats

Haru: when will this nightmare end

Akemi: we've been in class for all of 5 mins can't you just try to bear with it for 35 mins more

Haru: easy for you to say to Ms.Honor student you grades aren't failing and you can actually sit still and listen to this boring history lesson why do we have to learn about things that happened in the past

Akemi: stop whining at least we get to unwind at the biggest party of the year tonight 

Haru: you right and maybe it will get your mind off your demon prince charming

Akemi: oh come on will  you cut that out already I already told you that he doesn't feel the same way about me that I feel about him plus it's not like it was ever gonna work out anyway because when mom finds out that he is a demon she'll never ever let me see him again I'll be grounded for life

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