Chapter 9

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Daiki:right this is the first time you're meeting him girls this is Dominic he is my housekeeper why you ask

Akemi:Haru wanted know she thinks he's cute


Daiki:oh really do you want to go help him in the kitchen it's down the hall second door on the right

Haru: really thanks Daiki you not as bad as I thought

Daiki:rumors are just that rumors

Haru runs off to the kitchen to help Dominic with a huge smile on her face

With Akemi and Daiki

Akemi:wow Daiki that was really nice of you but wouldn't that distract Dominic from his work

Daiki:don't worry about it he isn't even supposed to be working today he's just supposed to be moving his stuff in today

Akemi:oh I see

Daiki:Well princess it's my turn to ask you a question what kind of demon do you think Dominic is

Akemi:Well he has the same ears as you so wolf demon

Daiki: close he's actually a half demon

Akemi: oh cool what's the other half

Daiki:wizard on his father's side

Meanwhile with Haru and Dominic

Haru:×walks into the kitchen ×hey

Dominic:×turns around ×hello how may I help you

Haru:actually I'm here to help you

Dominic:but aren't you master's guest

Haru:Akemi is the guest I'm more or less her bodyguard

Dominic:oh well in that case could you get me the cups the tea is just about ready

Haru:sure where are they

Dominic:in the top left hand cupboard top shelf

Haru grabs four cups

Dominic:×turns around when he senses Haru behind him ×why did you grab four cups

Haru:Well I thought maybe you should  have some too

Dominic:Well that's not necessary

Haru:come on there's enough tea to go around

Dominic:I don't know if that's such a good idea

Haru:come on I'm sure Daiki won't mind

Meanwhile with Akemi and Daiki

Akemi:so how  long  Dominic be working for

Daiki:depends on how  long he is willing to

Akemi: Well  I guess you're  not  forcing him to stick around

Daiki:yeah  I'm not as cold hearted as everyone seems to think

Akemi:I don't think that

Daiki:yeah  I know you don't princess

Haru and Dominic come out with the tea

Haru:tea' s ready

Akemi:yumm smells delicious

Suddenly Akemi's phone rings and she picks it up


AM:oh Akemi  hunny  sorry to bother  you  while  you're  with your  friend and Haru

Akemi:what's up mom

AM:I  need  you home  because I got to go out with  Jade  and we won't be back till late

Akemi:oh I  understand I  guess I  have to go  Daiki bye

AM:oh no  hunny he come and spend night again  if he wants

Akemi:ok I'll ask  him×off the  phone ×hey Daiki do you  want to spend the night again

Daiki:umm sure why not

Akemi:great ×back on the  phone ×he says yes

AM:ok just hurry  back

They hang up

Akemi: hey Haru sorry  to ruining  your time  with Dominic  but we need to  get  home  pronto

Haru:oh ok that sucks

Akemi:yeah  I know  but my mom and  aunt Jade  will be  going  out  so we have to  watch the  house

Daiki:hey Akemi no offense to you but I'm glad  you aunt  isn't  gonna be  there

Akemi:none  taken I agree  with you  aunt Jade can be a real pain


Akemi:yeah  you'll be surprised to how much this  actually happens

Daiki:I feel  sorry for her

Akemi:for her why

Daiki:she has to whore herself around  for high school boys just to get some  attention

Akemi:and are you saying that since you're not a high school boy it doesn't  attract your attention


Akemi:oh so you're  a pedofile cause you like high school girls

Daiki:I would watch that mouth of yours princess it could get you into serious trouble

Akemi:oh  I'm so scared

Daiki:you're  really testing  my patience

Akemi:please  you  wouldn't hurt me 

Daiki;you think so

Akemi:No I know so

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