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Item #: SCP-10000

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-10000-A is allowed to freely roam the facility should he desire to, but otherwise must remain in his Humanoid Containment Suite. Subject must be given Methylphenidate pills every morning. Subject should be fitted with the normal accommodations found in a typical upper-middle class American household. These include; Functional plumbing which must be examined once every two weeks, a standard sized convertible bed and multiple forms of entertainment such as a 9' Television screen and a functioning laptop with Internet access which is monitored regularly. Note: Entertainment privileges can and will be revoked should the subject not follow protocol.

All personnel are allowed inside SCP-10000-A's holding area, but only if they are not assigned to other tasks at the time, or if they are on break. If a containment breach occurs, SCP-10000-A must be called on immediately.

Description: SCP-10000 resembles a digital wristwatch with a white, green, and black color scheme. Its faceplate is squared and colored black with three green stripes forming a triangular outline similar to the Foundation's logo. When the faceplate is slid back, a cylindrical core is revealed.

SCP-10000-A (formerly known as Samuel Ross "Sam" Holiday) is a Human male of Jewish descent. Records indicate that SCP-10000-A was born in 20[REDACTED], making him [REDACTED] years old at the time of acquisition. He has brown hair and green eyes and at the time of this article, is 1.7 meters in height and 60kg in weight. He does not appear to have any out-of-the-ordinary physical characteristics and appears to be, for all intents and purposes, a normal human being in good health, bar the necessity for glasses and psychological diagnoses of ADHD and Asperger Syndrome. Subject is very cooperative with Foundation staff.

SCP-10000 is bonded to SCP-10000-A's wrist at a molecular level. All attempts to remove SCP-10000 from SCP-10000-A's wrist were met with failure and pain to the subject, who described the sensation as similar to someone attempting to forcibly remove his arm.

SCP-10000's anomalous properties manifest when SCP-10000-A presses his index and middle finger on SCP-10000's faceplate. Once placed, a green holographic projection, similar to a Database, will manifest and display icons of various different faces. The projection rotates according to the movement of SCP-10000-A's fingers. One icon is always highlighted, indicating that it is the one selected. Once the highlighted icon is selected, SCP-10000's faceplate will slide back on its own, revealing the black and green cylindrical core. Once the core is pressed back down, subject will transform into an unknown entity, corresponding to whichever icon was highlighted before the core was pressed back down, although in rare instances, subject transformed into another entity from the database, seemingly at random. See Addendum 10000-Omni for descriptions.

Though the subject's genetic structure is no longer human, it appears his consciousness is still present. SCP-10000-A will remain in this altered form until either pressing a badge with SCP-10000's insignia which randomly appears in different areas of the subject's body (depending on what entity he is at the moment); or naturally, when SCP-10000 seemingly loses power. Subject has been observed staying as an entity for as little as 15 minutes or as long as [REDACTED] days.

These entities vary in size, composition, behavior and abilities but all seem to share part of their genetic makeup with at least one cataloged anomaly in the Foundation's Archives. Whether the anomaly is in containment, roaming free or neutralized appears to be irrelevant. For instance, SCP-10000-3998, a humanoid resembling a burning scarecrow composed of volcanic rocks and burnt wicker, shares 50% of its DNA with SCP-3998. The rest of these instances' DNA appears to originate from various different extraterrestrial species.

SCP-10000's Object Class has changed from Keter to Safe and back multiple times. This is due to SCP-10000-A's kind and helpful nature being in contrast with SCP-10000's potential destructive power. In the wrong hands, one usage of SCP-10000 could lead to any number of K-Class scenarios, most worryingly being an XK-Class End of the World scenario or a ZK-Class Reality Failure Scenario. However, SCP-10000 appears not to be in the wrong hands, as SCP-10000-A has repeatedly shown deep care for life and has risked himself multiple times to help others or to restrain dangerous anomalies. His care for life is so great that he routinely disobeys orders and ignores safety instructions, if he feels they are either immoral or will result in a life lost. Other than these cases, he is highly cooperative and even befriended some of the staff and other anomalies housed in Site-[REDACTED] such as SCP-343, SCP-105, SCP-999, SCP-507, SCP-2790, SCP-2800, SCP-131, SCP-5031 and, most astoundingly, SCP-053.

It appears that SCP-10000 provides its wielder protection against not only physical harm, but also psychological and even spiritual harm, as SCP-10000-A was shown to be highly resistant to any amnestics, infohazards, cognitohazards and even mind manipulation tactics of other powerful SCPs such as SCP-035. While highly resistant in his human form, SCP-10000-A is outright immune to any mind-affecting tactics while in one of his various other forms. This suggests that SCP-10000 has various other features and functions that are currently unknown and that further research is required.

SCP-10000 and SCP-10000-A are currently under the care of Dr. Molly Collingwood, who recommended SCP-10000-A for the Mobile Task Force Rho-73 ("Plumbers") as a way to minimize casualties during MTF missions, easier containment of dangerous anomalies and as an opportunity to test SCP-10000 in the field. The application has been approved and missions are scheduled to begin soon.

Addendum SCP-10000-A: The following is the transcript from an interview conducted by Dr. Amelia Buck with SCP-10000-A shortly after acquisition.

 Amelia Buck with SCP-10000-A shortly after acquisition

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