Part 12 - The Villains Scheme

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Several hundred feet away, buried deep underground, three Mobians gathered around a table in their hidden base, scheming.

"Null space was difficult to maneuver, but not entirely impossible to escape." The lynx at the head of the table stated, his dark ninja suit burnt, ripped, and in overall disarray.

"I'm glad you're back with us, Juke." The pale monkey across from him smiled toothily. "I'd like you to meet Mimic, N.I.T.E.'s newest ally."

Juke regarded the newcomer with a bit of hesitation. "What use is he to us?"

The sinister octopus smiled without humor as his appearance suddenly shifted and churned, before transforming him into the likeness of Juke, torn clothes and all. The lynx stared blankly for a moment at his twin before glancing back at the doctor.

"Okay, that might actually come in handy."

"I'm honored by your approval, sir." The shapeshifter reverted to his original form. "Dr. Snow and I have been hatching a plan of vengeance during your absence."

The white ape nodded. "It's a bit ingenious, really. We should be able to execute it perfectly with Mimic's unique abilities at play."

"Okay." The lynx rested his hands on the table and leaned against it, his focus on the doctor. "Sore ni tsuite oshiete. Tell me about it."

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