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A little background knowledge: You have been living with your mom for a while now in L.A. You have been getting tired of the city and have been wanted to move to a smaller, more quieter town. Finally, the time has come! You are moving to a small town in North Carolina called Greenville (this is where Karl's P.O. Box is so just pretend he lives there if he doesn't [: ).


I searched through my bag for the fourth time to make sure I have everything. Crap. I have forgotten my charger. 

"Hold on I'll be right back mom." I say quickly and run back to the door.

I rush back inside and grab it from beside my bed and check the time. 6:17 am. I gotta hurry. My flight to North Carolina was at 7:00. I practically stumble down the stairs and run out the door. 

"Y/N HURRY!!" I hear your mom call from the car.

"I'm coming I forgot my charger!" I call back.

I rush to the car and get in the passenger seat. I grab the AUX cord and put on my favorite song. My mom and I have a really good relationship and I'm going to miss her a lot. 

"Mom we need to hurry before the traffic builds up." I say.

"I'm trying my fastest hunny, we would not want to get a ticket and make you miss your flight." She replies.

I finally make it to the airport at 6:42. Good enough. I say my goodbyes to my mom and head inside. I made a deal with her to keep in touch often. I'm so excited to finally get out of all the traffic and busyness of L.A. I am a bit sad to leave one of your really good friends, Kat. We have been friends since 2nd grade but also agreed to keep in touch often.

The airport was very crowded and I check in with my couple of bags and my one carry-on. The plane trip was supposedly around 5 hours. I plan on sleeping for most of the ride but brought my AirPods to listen to music. Once I get my ticket, it is 6:54. I hear the intercom go off saying that my flight was boarding now. I run to my gate and go through security quickly. I was one of the last ones on the plane but I finally made it on. I got a window seat, luckily. 

——————— time skip to around 2 hours into the flight —————

I was listening to my playlist when I hear that the flight attendants were bringing snacks around. Finally, I'm starving. 

"Hello! Would you like some pretzels and you can pick your drink of either coke or water." The attendant asks me.

"Ah yes, I would like some pretzels and a water please." I reply with a smile knowing you won't be starving for the rest of the ride.

The attendant hands me what I requested and then turns to the row beside you. I eat my snack quickly and save the water for later. I put my favorite playlist back on and slowly drift asleep.

——————— time skip to when you land —————-

"Hello passengers, we will be landing in a few minutes please reattach your seatbelts and prepare for landing." The intercom loudly said.

I stretch my arms and do what they said. I wait a few minutes until I landed. I thank the flight attendants and walk out into the terminal. Those pretzels didn't fill me up that much so I go to a near coffee shop and get an iced latte with a bagel. I sit down somewhere and plug in my phone to tell my mom that I have landed safely.

             Mom | y/n

                                         Mom 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

                                                     Hey mom I landed safely! :)

Hey! Thanks for telling me, love you!

                                                                                 Love you too

I finish my bagel and remembered my mom had got a friend to get me a car here. I wait for my luggage and start walking to the parking lot. I start thinking. What if I don't like it here? What if I don't meet anyone I like? What if no one will like me?  I shake off my thoughts and get in my new car. I wanted to see my apartment first. I got a fully furnished one so I wouldn't have to bring over all of my furniture. 

———————- time skip to your apartment ———————-

I walk in and I'm hit with a cold breeze. I walk around and it is beautiful.

It looks something like this:

I am so excited to spend my first night in my new apartment

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I am so excited to spend my first night in my new apartment. I decide to chill for the rest of the day and unpack tomorrow.


Word count: 856


HEY GUYS I just made my first chapter of this fanfic :') sorry it was really boring but we meet karl either next chapter or the next :] hope y'all liked it and will hopefully keep reading! 

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