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I wake up in my new apartment and realize I have no groceries. I hop in my car and start to drive to a local Starbucks. I pass by a couple walking together holding hands when I stop at a stop sign. I'm so lonely :') I think to myself. I make it to the Starbucks and go in the drive thru since I look like shit right now. 

——————— time skip when you are back home ————-

I ate my cake pop and drank my Carmel frappe in the car and now I realize I have to start unpacking. Luckily, I brought a speaker with me. I dig in one of my bags and find it and put on my favorite playlist. I might as well make it fun if I'm going to be unpacking for most of the day. Cigarette Daydreams by Cage the Elephant starts playing. 

"I LOVE THIS SONG!" I yell and turn up the speaker since no one can stop me.

I unpack while singing and humming to my playlist when I get a call from my best friend, Kat. 

"HEY KAT!" I scream into the phone.

"Y/NNNN!! I MISS YOU ALREADY!!" Kat screams back. 


"What are you doing? Do you like it? Did you meet any new people? Did you eat anything toda-" 

"Woah slow down! I was just unpacking and I went to go get Starbucks this morning. I just got here yesterday afternoon and haven't met anyone yet." I said cutting her off.

"Awe I wish I was there." She says as I can hear her frown.

"Me too." I reply.

Kat and I talk for a bit longer until she had to go eat a late lunch with her boyfriend. I wish I had a boyfriend. I thought, thinking of Kat and her special one. They are so cute together. 

I check the time and it is already 2:12 pm so I decide to get a snack out of my bag. I packed some Goldfish for the trip but fell asleep for half of it so I didn't get a chance to eat them.

————3 hours later———

I decide to go explore around since I already finished unpacking. I put on some clothes I packed.

What you are wearing: (I'm kinda trying to match Karl's style :] )

What you are wearing: (I'm kinda trying to match Karl's style :] )

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I grab my purse and head out. I decide I'm not taking my car and am just going to walk around the shops. I see a couple stores I like including: (2 of your favorite stores). I mostly window shop but go into one I see. When I walk in I see a group of boys filming something. I try to walk around the camera but picked up some of what one of the guys said. 

"-put in this triangle you get to keep all of it!" A tall guy said.

What the hell?? I want free stuff 🧍‍♀️I think to myself.

I was about to leave because I didn't want to get in the way of the video until I heard-

"Hey you! In the jeans and jacket!" Someone called from behind me.

I looked back to it being one of the guys recording a video.

"I'm Nolan and who is taller? Me or him?" Nolan says while another person peeks at me. "They keep saying I'm shorter but I don't believe them." Nolan states.

Oh my...

The other guy was wearing a thrifted sweatshirt with a white collared shirt under with some black pants. He had fluffy brown hair and the cutest little smile ever. (FREE COVID WORLD :] ) I couldn't stop staring. I was definitely blushing. 

Shit shit shit shit answer the question y/n

"Hmm I think that guy is taller." I said while pointing to the cute one. 

He started giggling and jumping up and down

I am DEFINITELY blushing now

"Heheh thanks." The cute guy said. 

"No problem!" I said smiling and I practically ran out there to cool myself down.

Holy. Shit. Who was that? He was so cute.

I looked at my phone camera and I was red like a fucking tomato. 

Oh my god

I saw a Taco Bell and decided to get eat real quick and calm down before heading home.

——————after eating————-

I started to head home and couldn't stop thinking about him. 

"Ugh what was his name? Why didn't I stay? What if I never see him again? What if he thinks I'm weird?" I ask myself out loud.

I got to my apartment and got a cold glass of water and little did I know that it was already 5 pm and I'm already tired. I took a quick shower and got in my bed. I turned on some iCarly. 

After a few episodes, I start to think about him again. I decide to try and find the group that were filming. I couldn't find anything so I decided to go to bed.


Word count: 792


HEY AGAIN I finished chapter two :] we saw Karl in this one! I was thinking of meeting him next chapter cause I feel like I'm going too fast but I have an idea :) hope you liked this one!!

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